Monday, October 11, 2010

Funding Failed William Kituuka's Bid for President

Major constraints to trade between Uganda and the European Union are internal, external and structural. Internal factors range from poor trade policies, inadequate support to the private sector, narrow export base, reliance on export of raw materials and high corruption. External factors include non – tariff barriers, protectionist policies, subsidies, tariff peaks and escalation. The structural challenges mainly relate to poor infrastructure, poor product quality, poor and obsolete technology, poor marketing techniques and insufficient market knowledge, in other words, supply side constraints.

Given the above, instead of the NRM Government endeavouring to find viable solutions, it is busy instead increasing administrative expenses, and because we are doomed to be a poor country, even if a leader like President Museveni clearly demonstrates his inability to carry the country forward, the curse is such that the powerful people in the party keep fronting him unopposed! It is sad for a country abundantly enriched with natural resources.

As Uganda celebrates this Independence which does no longer appeal to the people of Uganda, there is need tore – discover our destiny as a country, we sincerely have no future with people whose economic policies are simply a blunder. Our country deserves better. It is unfortunate that NRM still see President Museveni as the only capable person to lead the party hence the country!
For more than a decade, Uganda has persistently suffered trade deficits. This is partly due to narrow export product base, low productivity, poor infrastructure and limited access to markets. Besides, the exported products are mainly unprocessed agricultural in nature hence subject to vagaries of weather and fetch little on the market.

It is unfortunate that a Government can have been in office for more that two decades and it still gives lousy excuses for not penetrating international markets and yet the party leadership still has courage to move to the people asking for votes!


It is sad, land accommodating Kitende Community Centre was sold to Mulindwa at shs 300m
At first it was rumours, then I visited the area to confirm whether the land accommodating Kitende Community Centre - 9miles Entebbe Highway had actually been sold. I had opportunity to talk to the heir to the Late Bulega who owned much of the land around Kitende. The heir told me that the Late Bulega his father was approached in 1964 by officers from the Ministry of Community Development. These people wanted land to put up a Community centre. According to the heir to Bulega, Bulega was ready to part with 5 acres of land but wanted to be compensated with 25 acres in Nsagu. The heir says that up to the time he sold off the remaining one and half acres to Mulindwa the FUFA Boss and Head teacher of St. Mary’s Kitende at what locals allege was a shs 300m deal, Government had not entered into any formal written contract with the Late Bulega.
Given the status quo, the heir approached Wakiso district administration and wanted to see the possibility of a way forward regarding the land issue at Kitende Community Centre. He says, Wakiso though given options like leasing the land or outright sale among others, did not show serious interest. Attents to discuss the matter with Ssisa Sub – county authorities were such that the sub – county claimed that even the Court which currently sits there was not paying any dues to them.
The sad story is that the Community Centre can be taken to be a gone matter. The future of the court which currently uses the premises is unknown. What is most unfortunate is that the Bulega family got miles of land out of which at least they would be able to give to the community the remaining piece on which the community centre is located.
To the Government of Uganda, there is need to have proper records of inventory of buildings and the status in which there are regarding land ownership among others. Community initiatives are a big pillar in poverty alleviation strategies in Uganda.

Date: 5th October 2010
From: William Kituuka Kiwanuka
To: Serious Political Parties in Uganda

Ladies and gentlemen of the opposition, I appeal to you that we sort the issue of the Presidency once for all. Out of the blue, I came on to the scene to contest for the Presidency of Uganda as an Independent Candidate advocating for a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation; where all major opposition parties would automatically take up cabinet positions without need for the party leaders being elected in the forthcoming General Elections as Members of Parliament.

This arrangement has a dual advantage in that the opposition will take the Presidency after 25 years of the NRM, and given my strategies, I see this as sure deal if I am endorsed as Opposition candidate given the prevailing circumstances. Secondly, all opposition parties will be beneficiary as they will positively play some roles in the new Government and get the chance to shape a better future for the country as well as re-organize their parties to be better prepared for the 2016 contest.

If in 2001 and 2006; Dr. Kiiza Besigye could not make it to become President, the current situation does not promise better, nor do the divisions in the Democratic Party promise to deliver the country to victory come the 2011 elections. God always has good plans for us, but at times we mess them up. I came up unexpectedly, but it should be clear that if the opposition is looking to President Museveni going after his term expires in 2011, then I seem the last resort to see him off, you may take it or leave it, but it is the fact as of now. All my works are clear on my blog:
I would love that the opposition re – think the differences as of now and see to what can benefit all of us. I would love to pick Nomination papers knowing that I have the backing of all the major opposition parties as the major issue is to see President Museveni not succeed in the forthcoming elections and we indeed can see him go, but have to make some sacrifices. It is better to have me as the opposition flag bearer for the 2011 Presidency for the opposition then we re-organize the country’s politics, than risk another 5 years under President Museveni’s leadership because each of the party leaders thinks he can make it to Presidency. That is wrong for people who understand some bit of probability; the current differences could give President Museveni a clear win, because even the voters are in confusion.

Once one candidate is endorsed, the opposition can then concentrate on how to win constituencies to have majority in Parliament.

Ugandans are yet to support my Presidential bid, and time is running out, though I am convinced that I am the candidate who would definately defeat President Museveni. My strategies are new and original in the Election arena in Uganda and I can assure the public that they are capable of performing miracles as far as vote gathering is concerned. I can stilljoin the race for Nomination within this week 4th - 8th October 2010 if financially supported. Some people think that I am not known, as faras I know, I am the only candidate who can worry the Movement the most. My ideas always take them by surprise and they work. The strategies can definately put the 'NRM bid guns' on their knees. I believe I am God sent to Uganda to bailthe people out of the uncertianty they are in by the NRM Government,with the only constraint not ideas, but finance. Whether there are 50 candidates for President, I assure you, I can out smart them.

NRM Government can neither achieve the Mission nor Vision as set for Uganda by themselves.

The Vision:
The Vision of NRM is a peaceful, united, democratic, harmonious, industrialized, transformed and prosperous Uganda, within a strong, federated East Africa, the African Common Market and with an African Defense Pact.

1) How do you talk of a peaceful Uganda when the ideas of the people are just shunned? Government is forcing people to foot its selfish line, ignoring the people as the pillar on which government is based. Given this position, peace is simply fragile.
2) United – Government is practicing divide and rule, then how do you talk of united when they are interested in sub – dividing the country as much as possible?
3) Democratic – NRM is not democratic, if it were the position of the Chairman would be contested, but as we hear some one has gone to court because he was unjustly eliminated from contesting for the position. The President would have long left office, but he is using tricks to keep there. There is no democracy worth talking about when donors time and again just threaten to reduce aid for Government to try to foot a democratic path!
4) Harmonious – Government itself is behind the various movements by some people against others. Heard of the Banyala and Baganda, Government is interested in promoting bad co - existence between the two! This is the reason behind the 11th November 2009 riots in Buganda.
5) Industrialized – Uganda can industrialize basing on agriculture, yet government is just waiting for foreign investors to put money where they are interested. The factors that are responsible for industrial growth are mishandled, taxes are wrong, utility costs, name them.
6) The Government wants us in a strong federated east Africa, yet it is against the federal arrangement which people cherish locally!

The Mission of NRM is to transform Uganda from a poor peasant society into a modern, industrial, united and prosperous skilled working and middle class society

However, given things on ground; that is wrong priorities, out right theft of funds including donors’, the NRM Government is simply day dreaming to get the mission achieved. The best they can do is give way for others who have the will to correct the situation.

P. O. Box 33917,
Tel: +256714981628 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +256714981628 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +256714981628 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
29th September 2010

The Governor
Bank of Uganda
P. o. Box 7120,

Dear Sir,

Up to now, I am one of those who wish to stand as Independent candidates for President of Uganda. Unfortunately, I cannot proceed to collect Nomination Papers if I have no funding, which funding I have endeavoured to campaign for widely. Unfortunately, the contact email I circulated: has for sometime now mot been accessible to me for reasons which I am not aware of! That means I cannot have information via that email address. Time has run out as my last hope to be able to collect Nomination Papers is Friday, October 1st, 2010.

The purpose of this communication therefore is to kindly request the Bank in case there is any funding in my favour to avail information to me. I look forward to maximum cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

William Kituuka Kiwanuka

cc Senior Staff bank of Uganda
cc The Electoral Commission

State House Debts Rise to Sh99 Billion
State House must be disciplined financially. It is unfortunate how every year there are arrears which have been met in the budget of the following year. Imagine a new Government struggling with the monetary indiscipline of the previous one. It is unfortunate that Government has rent arrears not paid to Buganda Government yet when they continue using Buganda Government premises. It may be necessary to remove the facility out of which the President makes donations, it looks misused and or abused and leads to uncalled for liabilities and political favours.
State House debts had risen to over sh100b by June 2009. The Ministry of Justice spent sh110b in compensation, court awards and settlements last financial year. The Police do not know the actual staff strength of its force. And sh371b loaned to state and private companies may never be recovered.
These are some of the findings in the new Auditor General's report on Government expenses in the financial year 2008/2009. The report was handed over to Parliament last week.
The Auditor General, John Muwanga, in his report noted that although the Government has instituted strict systems to control expenditure, State House has incurred huge debts as a result of the purchase of the new presidential jet.
The Bank of Uganda advanced a loan of sh96b to finance the acquisition of the aircraft. According to the agreement, the amount is payable in installments of about sh10b per year with interest.

How on earth does anybody leave Sebaggala to buy the mayor's House. How? It simply cannot work. Sebaggala is a disgrace to Uganda who should be shown where he belongs.

William Kituuka Kiwanuka
P.O. Box 2678,
Tel: +256714981628
2nd June 2010

Ref: 002
Ernst & Young
Executive Selection Division,
18 Clement hill Road,
P. O. Box 7215,

Dear Sir/Madam,
I humbly submit my application for the position of Task Force Coordinator as Re-advertised in the daily Monitor of Wednesday, May 26, 2010 to continue the exercise I started in 2001 which kicked off with an appeal to His Excellency the president for a students’ Loan Scheme at Makerere University to which, “The Feasibility of a Student Loan Scheme at Makerere University” was attached, this was later to be followed by various contributions and debates by myself which among others include: “A Comprehensive Feasible and sustainable Educational Loan Scheme in Uganda, and “Identifying Clientile for the Educational Loan Scheme and Loan Recovery Measures”, this second one, was in response to an appeal for public contributions by the Ministry of Education and Sports. My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka, holding a B.A (hons) Economics/Rural Economy degree of Makerere University and post graduate training in various fields including banking, good Governance, Publishing to mention some.

I have read through the advert and understood the responsibilities required of the candidate to fill the position; the results expected and other detail. I am presenting myself as one who started on this work voluntarily in 2001 shortly after registering Makerere University Private students’ Parents’ Association (MUPRISPA), which was established as a vehicle to advocate for the welfare of privately sponsored Ugandan students at Makerere University, where I am founder member with one of the objectives as: “To encourage Government to see to the establishment of of a student loan scheme.” I proudly present myself as one of those who have voluntarily enriched the practicability of a student loan scheme in Uganda; which is witnessed not only by the Permanent Secretary, but also the Public relations Officer at the Ministry of Education & Sports. It is not too much to appeal to you to endorse me to officially continue doing the work I have voluntarily done in the past given the potential input I have shown in the area. My CV depicts a man who has the ability to do what is being asked. I have banking experience which is necessary for a credible scheme and ensuring sustainability.

I wish to assure you that once I am endorsed to take on the challenges of the position, I will be in for a sustainable scheme, one where healthy competition among potential applicants will be real, a scheme where corruption tendencies will not be given a leeway, and a model that will be a pride of the country. I have a moral record to uphold and that is why I am not only an advocate but a practical player in good governance and I die to see that morality is upheld. Given the opportunity to take up the position, I promise to deliver to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Education and Sports and shall ensure that an excellent working environment is enhanced for a clean job which I believe will be well done more so by someone who had interest to see government act for the scheme to be a reality. I will love to be party yet to another success story not the unsustainable project like Entandiikwa that could not stand the test of time.”
Thank you for according me the opportunity.
I remain,
Yours faithfully,
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
My works which have a do with the student loan scheme in Uganda:

Dr. Lucille Corti and husband Dr. Corti








If I get chance to be nominated and thereafter elected President of Uganda, I will advocate for the use of a clock face with both the 12 and 24 hour faces on one. We should then instead start officially to count from the beginning of the new day just after midnight. If we can cultivate a culture to count time as the day changes, our children will not have problems understanding time. If it is two hours past the new day which is 2.00am, let us have it that way; such that when a child goes to school by 8.00am he/she clearly knows how it is arrived at.


This is part of my transparency. There is no reason why people don’t get to know about my health stand. I think I have the moral authority to talk about positive living given that we have HIV and there is no cure. I promise to be an advocate for the welfare of people who are living with HIV/AIDS and would love to see a Fund launched locally to cater for the treatment and general living needs of people who are living with HIV/AIDS. Moreso, I would love to see many years added to their chances to live on so as to look after their children and also enjoy as any other person would love to enjoy the good of the world.

Politicians need to know that as they mistreat other people, even those in graves loved living decently. One day, the grave awaits. So, better prepare for it.

The sister to this young child perished in the fire set by senseless people who we live with in Uganda. Two bodies of those believed to have set the fire disappeared! This is the country alleged to give good leadership to its people; its unbelievable!

The Flag of Uganda

Crafts from Uganda

An Appeal for Moral Support & Funding


“…I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know, the only one among you who will be really happy are those who will have thought and found how to serve, how to show compassion and a will to help others…,” ALBERT SHWEITZER, one of the greatest Christians of his time who was bestowed with a Noble Prize in 1952.

My name: William Kituuka Kiwanuka
District of Birth: Wakiso
Age: 51
Nationality: Ugandan
Parents: The Late Besuel Kiwanuka and Penina Kiwanuka of Ssisa Busiro – Wakiso district.
Grand Parent: Late Lazalo Ssebayizzi of Ssisa Busiro.
Clan: Mamba
Education: Went to Namutamba Demonstration School in current Mityana District but formerly part of Mubende District, I benefited from a Bursary offered by Mubende to the 1st ten pupils in the district in the Primary Leaving Examinations of 1973; when I happened to be the best pupil at the Dem School. I joined St. Mary's College Kisubi (SMACK) for in 1974 and completed Ordinary Level in 1977. I was admitted for Higher School at the same school and completed in 1979, then I joined Makerere University for a degree.
My work on the History of St. Mary's College Kisubi can accessed on:

I publish "the Morning Star Magazine" for the benefit of Old Boys of SMACK.

Qualifications: B. A. (Hons) Economics/Rural Economy degree of Makerere University; Banking; Good Governance Training; Computer Literacy.
Working Experience: Commercial Banking; Teaching; Writing for public consumption; publishing; Career Guidance; Project writing; Restructuring undertakings; Website designing; General Innovative Consultancy Service Provision
Residence: A Children’s Home
Box No: 33917, Kampala.
Telephone: +256714981628
Contact/Feed back:

« Time is now to change the rich men syndrome which makes poor people poorer and they end up losing morale. A rich man can fool you the way he wants. You can dig for him and he tells you to collect the money the following day yet when he has the money, instead telling you to call on him the following day. As a poor man you will have nothing to say but to follow what he tells you. The poor are under looked and despised. I am offering myself to see sanity return to the poor of Uganda.”

My works on the Late J C Kiwanuka my former Mathematics teacher can be accessed on:
1) I have all along been an advocate of the opposition party coalition arrangement with a clear agenda under the Inter Party Cooperation (IPC), however, when nominations for the Presidential candidates were made, it is when my eyes were opened to what I think is a wrong way forward. I advocate for such cooperation where the IPC and not individual party comes out in the final picture; which is equated to one party absorbing others. My belief is that before nomination, the parties under the arrangement would have first convened a conference where members would agree on the way forward including a joint manifesto, what I see is a diffuse arrangement that may be worse than the one popularly known as the Moshi spirit.
2) There are currently no clear ideas that the IPC is fronting which are going to be different from the current Government’s arrangement. This position would be clear as of now, instead each Party President has own party or personal ideologies as reflected at nomination.
3) Given number 1 and 2 above, I see it best an opportunity to offer myself as an Independent Presidential Candidate for 2011 General Elections for I think I have a Vision for the way forward for Uganda which we can jointly build on to see our country to prosperity. Work: “… if a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep even as Michaelangelo painted, Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry, he should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say – here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well. Martin Luther King. Jr. “I equally wish to offer myself for a good job for my country, William Kituuka Kiwanuka.
4) Sir Winston Churchill visited Uganda in 1908. He was overwhelmed with her beauty, hence baptizing the country, “The Pearl of Africa.” What frustrates the people of Uganda and the - would be beauty of the country are politicians who are treacherous. They hide their agendas and Ugandans end up being taken for a ride, and the final position is what we reap: underdevelopment, continued poverty, deprivation of the majority by a minority hence an increasing income gap and death of the poor victims as a frustrated lot after being used!
5) Despite several decades of economic growth and huge development aid disbursements, the number of countries called “least developed” (with per capita income less than US $900 a year has in - fact doubled since 1971, from 25 to 49 in the last decade (1990 – 2000) and despite all development efforts – not even one country was able to graduate from this group to a higher income level, with the exception of Botswana. Source: Why Poverty Reduction Programmes did not work – (Resistance to change) By Hans. U. Luther ; An Article in Development Cooperation No.3/2002 (May/June)

6) Based on No. 4 above, it is true that some of our failures as a country coming from accepting to be on the receiving end of ideas as conceived from donors; be they countries and/or bi – lateral or multi – lateral organizations, instead of coming up with our own agenda and convincing them to help fund it as a basis of our cooperation with them, it is this experimentation and or trial coupled with lack of commitment to implement projects/programmes as stipulated in agreements (not forgetting diversion of funds) that is responsible for our under development and constant beggar mentality.
7) A few years ago, I had opportunity of calling at Jinja and what I saw I would hardly believe. I had lived in Jinja from 1984 to early 1987. I was working with a banking institution. That time, the exodus to banks by customers was great and the sector was very encouraging. This time around, when I passed around Busoga Square banking area, I was not impressed. It was as if a banking holiday though the bank doors were a jar. One could not see a soul of a bank customer around! This reminded me of the Cooperative Societies which used to be a vehicle for credit and marketing of farmer produce, which are long dead! The future of the Ugandan farmer and businessmen lies in cooperative pooling of resources. With sound capital invested into business entities, there is hope for competitive production of goods and services, and this is the key for the future of Uganda which should target agro – based industrialization. Given this experience, I am committed to seeing a vibrant competitive business climate a reality and the resurrection of cooperative infrastructure as a necessary vehicle in the undertaking.
8) It is also clear that as part of the way forward for Uganda , there is need to build consensus, we should stop this winner takes all mentality and have a win win position for all Ugandans if we are to see ourselves as a united people in diversity. It is against this background that I wish to advocate for a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation where all parties will play a role and have a feeling of belonging. “So, let it be said of us then that we are thinking not only of our time, that we have reached as high as our ideals, that we put aside our divisions and found a new hour of healing and hopefulness, that we joined together to serve and strengthen the land we love – the pearl of Africa: Uganda.”
9) It is unfortunate that there has developed a culture in Uganda where able bodied people who would make serious investments in the country are looking to politics as a life long career and the only means to survive. This has been witnessed in the on going NRM party elections for positions. It is absurd to see people exchange bitter words to the extent of involving fire arms in mere party. The elective offices are seen as the cheaper way to accumulate wealth as compared to agricultural production or undertaking serious business. This conviction among the public induces corruption. This culture has to be reversed so that politics is seen as a sacrifice for one’s country and not a means to milk the taxpayer for one’s welfare irrespective of his/her qualifications which would call for rendering one’s energies elsewhere.

“Together for Uganda – with Courage and Humanity,” will be the title of the Government of National Unity and Reconciliation.

1. Economy & Finance: Stimulating the economy and putting it on a genuine path of real growth by involving all able bodied in productive work. Reforms in taxation to be priority number one to provide for competitive production for the local, regional and International markets. The Re-Birth of the Marshall Investment will be implemented to promote economic growth and eventually induce sustainable development for all the people of Uganda.
2. Labour Market: The fight against unemployment is top on the proposed Government agenda. This is to be with-in the arm pit of the “Virtual Clearing House” arrangement. Savings to be emphasized by all above 18 years.
3. Retirement: The proposed Government to ensure that pension funds in the hands of Government are not abused by anybody in Government and that those qualifying to get benefits find it easy to. Good returns to the savings to be advocated for.

Youth Graduate but no prospects for employment as Government has failed
4. Youth: It is not news that the youth are in the dark about their future more so as regards gainful employment. The proposed Government to take up many in the “Virtual Clearing House,” arrangement given the specific needed skills to get it off ground, while many more will benefit from the “Re-Birth of the Marshall Plan,” which will be the engine to stimulate economic growth with eventual results as creation of more effective demand for goods and services as well as employment. The youth to have employable skills enhanced through gaining vocational skills.
5. Foreign Policy: Peaceful solution to conflicts will be promoted. No violation of agreements with the International community for which Uganda is party. “Open Gate Policy” to cooperation with players in International capital who are found genuine. “Good relations with the entire world shall be the basis of any Foreign policy.” Our advocacy for democracy, the rule of law and human rights is to be part of our foreign policy.
6. Federalism: Time to implement the federal arrangement, an important project to see regions share in power and retain an agreed percentage of the revenue generated within the region as well as getting equalization grants.
7. Education & Research: The proposed government considers education and promotion of rights as key subjects for the further development of the economy and country. The country to be at the fore front of scientific and technological progress and information and communication technology to be implemented as well as Functional Literacy for All as within the umbrella of Education For All. Incorporation of vocational education from primary school level to higher levels
8. Cultural leaders: Their roles featuring on cultural promotion to be emphasizes and funded. Their role as co – players in mobilization of the people for development to be encouraged.
9. Health: Free health service provision for all the people of Uganda from Government health facilities. No need to pay fees at these health facilities; though cost sharing for complex cases on a case by case basis. No need for carers in Government facilities.
Every human being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health conducive to living a life of dignity which is referred to as the right to health. The right to health was first reflected in the WHO Constitution (1946) and reiterated in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights leading to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and the Cultural Rights (1966). It has also been reaffirmed in the Declaration of the Alma nta (1978) and the World Health Declaration adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1998.
10. Respect for Religions: In the Spirit of National Unity and Reconciliation, a debate will be opened to see the possibility of working half day from Friday so that the Moslem Community are given chance to worship without interference and also make it possible for people involved in community arrangements to get time off to deal with family obligations as well as other functions and rest up to Sunday.
11. Community as basis for Development: People to be employed within their communities. Employment to be in fields of Agriculture on Community Opened Gardens on land which belongs to the region or to private individual to be used under agreement with Government on user terms. The community infrastructures (schools, hospitals, housing and care for the elderly) to be worked on through community effort but with pay to the players. This to be under the “Virtual Clearing House” arrangement.
12. Gender with emphasis on women rights: The rights of women are to receive further boost stating with 1/3 of cabinet posts, then key Ministries where injustice mainly features, and fight all possible injustices that impact on women negatively.
13. Family: There is the challenge to have smaller manageable family size, implement free Family Planning Services to the needy. Ensure that all women have an income. Discourage teens becoming early mothers.

The innovation to be code named: The Re – birth of the Marshall Plan
What was the Marshall Plan?
President Truman, speech to Congress (12th March, 1947)
The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want. They spread and grow in the evil soil of poverty and strife. They reach their full potential when the hope of a people for a better life has died. We must keep that hope alive. If we falter in our leadership, we may endanger the peace of the world - and we shall surely endanger the welfare of our own nation. At the present moment in world history nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life. The choice is often not a free one. One way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion, and freedom from political oppression. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies upon terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections, and the suppression of personal freedom. I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was the primary program, 1947–51, of the United States for rebuilding and creating a stronger economic foundation for the countries of Europe . The initiative was named for Secretary of State George Marshall and was largely the creation of State Department officials, especially William L. Clayton and George F. Kennan. George Marshall spoke of the administration's desire to help the European recovery in his address at Harvard University in June 1947. The reconstruction plan, developed at a meeting of the participating European states, was established on June 5, 1947. It offered the same aid to the USSR and its allies, but they did not accept it. The plan was in operation for four years beginning in April 1948. During that period some US $13 billion in economic and technical assistance were given to help the recovery of the European countries that had joined in the Organization for European Economic Co-operation. This $13 billion was in the context of a U.S. GDP of $258 billion in 1948, and was on top of $12 billion in American aid to Europe between the end of the war and the start of the Plan.

We should be ready for a similar challenge in Uganda given the misery of our people.
In all we do we shall need the spirit of being Good Samaritans
Sermon: How to serve people on behalf of God? Luke 10:30-35

Some one once said, “Christians are like fertilizer. Pile them up in one place long enough and they’ll begin to stink. But spread them out and they’ll do some good.” 1. In today’s sermon I am going to talk about doing good to others. The Bible calls this ministry. 2. Most people think ministry means to serve God. This is not wrong but not 100% correct either. In ministry we help people on behalf of God. 3. Today’s message comes from the story of the Good Samaritan which I believe all of you are familiar with – when reading this story you might feel guilty remembering that you passed by some one in need at one time or another. 4. You will ask me what am I supposed to do? The scope of this message is to answer that question.
C. Treating others the way I like to be treated, (Luke 10:33-35)
I. This is the attitude that the Good Samaritan exhibited. II. God has called every Christian to have this attitude. III. Serving and following Christ go hand in hand. Illustration: Christians like to be visited by the Senior Pastor or the church staff in times of need. It’s not wrong. But many excuses are given when they are asked to visit a fellow believer in need. If you want to serve people on behalf of God treat them the way you like to be treated.
2. Now cultivate the attitude of the good Samaritan. How?
A. Start seeing the needs of people around you?
I. We meet needy people every day, (Not only the physically needed. What about those with emotional hurts). II. Your eyes is the birth place of kindness. III. You can’t care until you are aware.
B. What keeps us from seeing the needs of people?
I. Business II. Ignorance
C. How to see their needs?
I. Slow down and look around you. II. Stop to talk to some one. III. Give them your undivided attention.
3. Sympathize with people’s pain (be compassionate)
A. Just seeing the need is not enough
Illustration: Most people who see the helpless simply blames the government or church for not doing anything. I. To sympathize means to feel how others feel. (When the Samaritan saw the wounded man, he had pity on him. – Luke 10:33) II. Romans 12:5 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15, NET)
B. How to sympathize with others?
I. To do so one must give up his prejudices and stop making assumptions about others. II. The Jews and Samaritans hated each other so much, people were surprised when Jesus made a Samaritan the hero of the story. III. Learn to see the people around you as Jesus sees them. God cares for everyone. If you want to serve people you must care for those who God cares for. IV. Learn to Listen: Sometimes the greatest way to serve some one is just listening, (Galatians 6:2). There’s a story behind every need.
C. Learn from your struggles
I. God allows certain struggles in your life so that you can learn to sympathize with and serve the needy and hurting people around you. II. “Who comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4, NET)
4. Seize the opportunity and meet the need – How?
A. Take action
I. Don’t wait. II. Don’t delay. III. Don’t procrastinate. Do what you can at that moment, (Proverbs 3:27-28)
B. Get down to the victim’s level
I. The Samaritan stooped down and got on the man’s level. II. The Samaritan didn’t act superior.
C. Be willing to take the risk
I. In order to seize the moment, you must be willing to take a risk. II. The Samaritan took a risk: What if the robbers were still in the area? III. We don’t like to get involved with other’s pain and brokenness because it reminds us of our own.
5. Be willing to sacrifice yourself
A. Serving is costly
I. It costs you money. II. It costs you time. III. It costs you energy
B. You might not gain anything in return
I. The Samaritan took the injured man to a motel. II. He likely had to travel a great distance. III. He nursed the victim throughout the night and then paid the bill at personal expense. What did he gain? Nothing. III. Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who belong to the family of faith. (Galatians 6:10, NET)
6. Wrapping it up
A. If you want to fulfill God’s calling to serve others:
I. First Grow an attitude of love. II. Be compassionate. III. Don’t ignore opportunities to help some one. IV. Be willing to pay the price.
B. Don’t get discouraged when you are not appreciated
I. So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9, NET)

My link to the publications on Brother Anthony Kyemwa at 80:

1) Uganda today and its future are so uncertain because the country is completely derailed from any viable development agenda; what is at hand are personal visions which are devoid of quantifiable and sustainable national objectives to the extent that the regime bases on perceived ‘political sense’ as opposed to economic sense, which has cultivated a very fertile ground for corruption to flourish and made the youth of the country become a time bomb as unemployment gets to record levels; with no realistic measures to counter it; while at the same time, the country has been derailed from a viable economic development path to such uncertain destiny where the projection is the eventual stand still for the country.

2) With all donor support since 1986 which could have helped into getting Uganda into possibly a Switzerland of Africa. What is clear is that resources have not been well allocated and some have gone to nurture the middle class at the expense of a wider population that would be beneficiary; hence the eventual creation of a class of the super rich co – existing with paupers!
3) The regime is interested in sub – dividing a country into smaller units which not only are a burden to the people but have disintegrated a would be unified country at a time when national coherence is more beneficial to economic development and national unity.
4) The regime has killed institutions and hence what is at work is the Almighty Power at State House – ‘provider,’ this has promoted increased bureaucracy and inefficiency at a time when efficiency is most needed.
5) The regime’s involvement in Regional Politics has put the country’s security at risk hence the need for an ever big defense and security budgets for the needed logistics.
6) Unfortunately, as opposed to the history of the country, the regime has been at liberty to manipulate the 1995 Constitution using the NRM numbers in Parliament and opened up the Presidential tenure in office; which in essence is a big liability to the people of Uganda and the fruits of which are already at play for all to see;
7) Contrary to the basic reason why NRM/A went to the bush to wage war against the Elected Government of the time; there are a number of reported cases and Court Judgments that have pointed to the NRM players as potential actors in malpractices yet when they went to bush because of an alleged stolen victory by the UPC Government.

Specifics regarding some of Uganda’s Major Problems
For the people of Uganda , insecurity and armed conflict have been the greatest threats to health and survival, and the greatest obstacles to economic and social development during the past 40 years. Few parts of the country have been completely spared the horrors of war, violence, bloodshed and plunder. The country’s history since Independence abounds with episodes of Government sponsored violence against its own citizens of armed opposition to Government - sponsored violence against its own citizens, of armed opposition to Government forces, and of violence carried out by rebel movements against citizens.
Situated at the heart of the politically and ethically volatile Great Lakes region, Uganda has also bee drawn into regional disputes leading to armed conflict.

Cases on Point
“The Danish Government on 5th May 2000 asked Uganda to pull out of the Democratic Republic of Congo and use the money it is spending on the war there for economic development. The negative consequences for the economy of this presence of Uganda in the DRC and the delegation said Denmark would give Uganda US$54m for the year.”

“The United Nations Observer Mission in Congo (MONUC) issued a statement condemning Uganda for the May 5 fight in Kisangani , (DRC). The members of the mission unanimously deplored the military action in Kisangani unreservedly, the statement read.”

“The United States 5th May issued a vigorous condemnation of attacks by Ugandan troops in the DRC and warned that they could affect relations between Washington and Kampala . “The United States strongly condemns attacks by Ugandan forces against Rwanda army troops in Kisangani , DRC,” State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said. “They are a violation of DRC sovereignty and a clear violation of the Lusaka Peace agreement,” he said. “These types of attacks erode the confidence of the people of central Africa and of the International Community, which has been asked to support the implementation of the Lusaka Agreement,” Boucher said. “We note that these actions could have a significant impact on US – Ugandan bilateral relations,” he said.

“The European Union might consider imposing sanctions on countries involved in the DRC, the EU Special Representative to the great Lakes region, Ambassador Aldo Ajelo said. Speaking to journalists at the French Embassy in Kampala November 8, Ajello said the EU was disappointed over the growing violation of the Lusaka Peace Agreement for the Pacification of DRC. “We have up to now restrained ourselves from posing and setting up restrictions and conditionalities to countries involved; thinking that there will be an African solution, but there is a debate inside the EU considering that option,” he said.
“An estimated 20,000 children were abducted as child soldiers by the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) since 1990. The conflict could better be categorized as a “war against children – fought by children. The ‘night commuter’ phenomenon, where literally hundreds of children would trek several kilometers every evening to the relative safety of towns, was unheard of in any other conflict worldwide.” Source: At a Glance …. European Union in Uganda .

The High Human Poverty index in Uganda (Another Problem)
The High Human Poverty Index (HPI) in Uganda estimated to be 37.5% in 2001, which reflects a high proportion of the population not expected to survive to the age of 40; a high proportion of the population without access to both safe water (43.0%) and health facilities (51%) and a high proportion of malnourished children (22.8%).

It is true that about 89% of Uganda ’s population live in rural areas and depend for their livelihood on subsistence agriculture. Statistics indicate that most rural populations are agricultural workers (81.5%). The main source of household livelihood in rural areas is subsistence farming on which about 80% of the rural population depends, and only 1.38% of the rural households derive their livelihood from commercial farming.

Because most rural households depend on agriculture for their livelihood, their low income levels is the basic reason for the high Human Poverty Index.
In terms of the Human Development Index, Uganda declined from the 144th position in 2005 to 145th in 2006.

Getting Maximum Benefits from Donor Funds
On average, donor commitment to Uganda during the period 2000/01 – 2006/07 was US$915 m per year. In 2003/04 total donor commitments were US$583.5 m; this increased and more than doubled in 2004/05 to US$1269.8 m before decreasing to US$509.8 m in 2005/06. The decline was due to aid cut back because of delayed fulfillment of related Good Governance conditionalities.
It is unfortunate to be on record that the country has had aid cut backs as a punitive measure to see the NRM leaders foot Good Governance conditionalities. My pledge is to ensure Good governance the norm.

Donor funding to Uganda from 2000/01 to 2006/07
This assistance is broken down and the total in US dollars given for the period 2000/01 to 2006/07 for each category:
1) Debt Relief – 746,755
2) HIPC Debt Relief – 473,390,000
3) Budget Support – 2,689,512,856
4) Emergency Relief Assistance – 175,346,348
5) Food Aid – 18,287,201
6) Free Standing Technical Cooperation – 332,781,351
7) Investment Project Assistance – 1,677,158,831
8) Investment Related Technical Assistance – 954,183,481
9) Other Project Related Assistance – 145,830,812
It is unfortunate that Uganda receives Food Aid, when it should be having surplus food given its good climate with two rain seasons a year for a bigger part of the country.
Donor Funds per year from 2000/01 to 2006/07
1. 2000/01 – 732,184,984
2. 2001/02 – 908,556,020
3. 2002/03 – 897,897,627
4. 2003/04 – 1,120,770,328
5. 2004/05 – 1,039,502,352
6. 2005/06 – 733,895,972
7. 2006/07 – 1,035,456,322
A comment has been made to the effect that the donor funding NRM Government got since 1986 could have easily made Uganda the Switzerland of Africa,

The 10 biggest source of Funding to Uganda taking totals for the period 2000/01 – 2006/07 are:
1. IDA of World Bank – 29%
2. United Kingdom - 13%
3. European Union - 10%
4. USAID - 8%
5. The African Development Bank - 5%
6. Netherlands - 4%
7. Denmark - 4%
8. Germany - 4%
9. The World Food Programme – 4%
10. All the remaining donors share 15%

Strategy to benefit from more donor support (Big donors to give more money and the small ones to give big money):

1) One may say that it is by grace of God that the donors still give us the lot they do. The indicators on good Governance are self explanatory. In an attempt for the NRM Government to see that it remains in power, it has been guilty of human rights abuses;
2) The level of corruption is simply unacceptable yet Government is using kid gloves to deal with the corrupt, and we are yet to see the big fish touched;
3) The corrupt should refund the stolen funds. We are yet to see this seriously done by Government;
4) There are a number of Committee Reports which are simply gathering dust and Parliament is reluctant to finalize sentence to the culprits;
5) It was unfortunate that the NRM Government changed the Constitution for the benefit of one person; though the country has a terrible record for which the framers of the Constitution fixed two terms and nothing short of that. If we get to Government one of the first businesses to be conducted by Parliament will be to re – instate the wording as it was before being tampered with for the two term limits;
6) The value for money – it disturbs to hear billions of shillings talked about all the time but what is done many times falls short of the funding.
7) Our President has tempted donors to cut aid in that it is not unusual for them to give them a bashing. We believe this is contrary to the diplomacy and respect that should be accorded to donors;
8) The NRM has had a trend of writing and thereafter reading budgets for a formality. At the end of each financial year, may projects are not completed, some not started and unfortunately, year after year, there is no link shown whereby uncompleted business would be continued and completed the following year;
9) There is a culture of budget cuts. It disturbs to see budgets cut to meet what is taken as priorities where military business has been a big sinner. That is why we think that conflict should be sorted peacefully;

Commitment to pay debt
It is good business for a country like Uganda to borrow and expect to pay back. That way, if donors are pleased with the payments and they cancel some of the debt it is fine. As at 31st March, Uganda ’s debt stock stood at US$1.1 bn. It had been US$4.3 bn as at the end of March 2006. The decrease in debt was a result of the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) from IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank that canceled all the eligible debt. IMF canceled all outstanding debt stock to the Government of Uganda contracted prior to 31st December 2003 while the World Bank and African Development Bank canceled all debt outstanding as of 31st December 2004.
Loans approved by Parliament in just 2007/07
1) IDA for Millennium Science Initiative Project – US$ 30,962,963
2) ADF Support to Health Sector Strategic Plan II US $29,498,525
3) IDA for E. A Trade & transport Facilitation US$ 26,262,626
4) ADF Road Sector Support Project – US$ 48,657,817
5) IDA Poverty Reduction Support Credit –US$ 126,575,183
6) IDA Power Sector Development Operation – US$ 300,000,000
What has to be noted is that these sums of money are substantial. The question which remains is how well we do the evaluation of what the money has been put on. Do we really get value for money, US$126,575,183 for poverty reduction should really have impact, but what we see on ground is that people are being impoverished on.
Grants received by Government for the years 2003/04 – 2006/7
These are in three categories: Project Support; Budget Support and Emergency Aid. Total figures are:
1. 2003/04 – US$ 804.2m
2. 2004/05 – US$ 789.51
3. 2005/06 – US$ 485.07
4. 2006/07 – US$ 674.30
The Second Northern Uganda Social action Fund (NUSAF2) is a Government of Uganda Project that is financed by a Specific Investment Loan (SIL) of US$ 100 m from the World Bank (IDA). In addition, the Department for International Development (DIFD) of the United Kingdom is to contribute 24 million pounds in the next five years. NUSAF2 is a multi – sectoral community demand driven Project of the government which is part of Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) implementation.

World Bank Role in Uganda
The World Bank has actively supported Uganda’s economic recovery efforts. By 2000 – 2001, the World Bank portfolio comprised adjustment support totaling about US$790 m since 1987; and 24 projects in agriculture, and the social sectors, with a total commitment of over US$1 bn.
Active Projects by 2000/01
Agriculture & Environment
1) Agriculture Research & Training I: FY (1993 – 2000) – US$25.04m (IDA) – The project supports Government’s strategy for improving productivity and diversification in the agricultural sector through the development and transfer of improved technology. The broad objective of the project was to develop an organizational framework and institutional processes for agricultural research which is sustainable and efficient as well as responsive to the production constraints facing farmers in Uganda.

2) Cotton Sub – sector Development (CSDP): FY (1994 – 2000) – US$ 14.00m (IDA: The project was to support Governments’ strategy to revive the Cotton production and exports through increased competition in Cotton processing and marketing and improved supporting systems.
3) Environment Management Capacity Building: FY (1996 – 2001) – US$ 11.80m (IDA): The project was the first segment of a longer – term program to support NEAP implementation.
4) Institutional capacity Building for capacity for Protected Areas Management and Sustainability Use Project (ICB – PAMSU): FY (1998 – 2002) US$ 12.37 m (IDA) – The project’s main objective was to establish effective institutional capacity within the wild life and tourism sectors for strategic planning, program development and implementation, and to promote long – term sustainability.
5) Lake Victoria Environment Management: FY (1997 – 2002) US$12.10 m (IDA) – The project’s objectives were to maximize the sustainable benefits to riparian communities from using resources within the basin to generate food, employment and income, supply safe water, and sustain a disease free environment, etc.
6) El Nino Emergency Road Repair: FY (1998) – US$27.60 m (IDA) – The project aimed at: i) Reducing infrastructure – related market and distribution costs countrywide, by reducing road transport costs to their pre – emergency levels; ii) Securing the timely delivery of social services to the affected populations, etc.
7) First Urban: FY (1991 – 2000) US$ 28.70 m (IDA) – The project included improving living conditions and alleviating poverty in Kampala by restoring key infrastructure services and related maintenance activities, etc.
8) Institutional & Engineering Support to the Road Sector: FY (1998 – 2000) US$30.0 m (IDA) – The project’s objectives are to i) Strengthen road sector management capability through spinning off road administration and execution activities under the Ministry of Works, etc.
9) Small Towns Water and Sanitation: FY (1994 – 2001) US$42.30 m (IDA) – The project was to support Government’s economic recovery program by extending the rehabilitation and upgrading of water supply and sanitation services, etc.
10) Transport Rehabilitation: FY (1994 – 2000) US$ 75.00 m (IDA) -Aimed to assist the Government in providing the basic road infrastructure to help the recovery efforts. Etc
Public and Private Sector Management
11) Institutional Capacity Building: FY (1995 – 2000) US$ 36.40 m (IDA) –
12) Private Sector Competitiveness: FY (1996 – 2001) US$ 12.30 m (IDA)
Health Sector:
13) The District Health services and Pilot project: FY (1995 – 2002) US$ 45.0 m (IDA).
14) Sexually Transmitted Infections: FY (1994 – 2000) US$ 50.0 m (IDA).
15) Education Sector Adjustment: FY (1998 – 2000) US$ 80.0 m (IDA), US$75m IDA Grant in the context of the HIPC Debt Initiative.
16) Primary Education and Teacher Development; FY (1993 – 2000) US$ 52.60 m (IDA).

17) Nutritional and early Childhood Development: FY (1998 – 2003) US$34.0m(IDA) – The project was to contribute to poverty alleviation and human capital development objectives by improving development interventions targeted to the most vulnerable segments of the population – namely, young children and mothers. The development objective of the project is to improve the health, nutritional and cognitive status of preschool children in Uganda. The project strategy involved the provision of community - based child development services and enhancement of women’s ability to care for children – by providing them with knowledge on proper child caring practices and by increasing their income – earning opportunities. At the end of the 5 year implementation period, the project evaluation would be made. NB of all the IDA loans, this one has many questions.
A Civil Society Statement (Part of it as Published in The Monitor Friday, 23 May, 2003)
The members of Uganda Debt Network are concerned that The Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project (1998 – 2003), US$34.0million had not benefited the Children of Uganda.
A review study undertaken by the Save the Children (UK) entitled “Thin on the ground,” indicates that the project had limited and in some cases no impact at all. The findings among other things revealed that:
i. The project had no lasting effect on children’s nutritional status even where the caring behaviour of mothers was thought to have been better because of lack of attention given to food security and environmental health at the household level;
ii. The programme was not well integrated within the existing Government Health system. While the project manual stated that the creation of new structures should be avoided, in practice the entire project relies on parallel structures;
iii. We are concerned that the failure of a project of such magnitude to bear noticeable impact is a cause of concern to all persons in Uganda interested in the plight and predicament of the poor.
iv. We are disheartened by the fact that it is the poor who ultimately must pay back the colossal sums of money borrowed from the World Bank. We have also learnt that with disdain that in fact The World Bank is committing another US$100million to extend the lifespan of the project inspite of the overwhelming evidence to the current project failure!

18) Agricultural Research and Training Project - Phase Ii US$ 26.0 m (IDA) Mostly for Agricultural Research.
19) Financial Markets Assistance Project: US$ 13 m (IDA)

20) Nakivubo Channel Rehabilitation Project: US$ 22.4 m (IDA) – When you see how some parts of Kampala are inconvenienced by the floods you wonder whether this money would not have done a far better job!

If Funds of the Nakivubo Channel Rehabilitation project had properly been utilised, Kampala City and the neighbourhood would not be a big mess they are when ever there is rain.
World Bank funded projects closed during 1999
21) Agricultural Extension: FY 1993 – US$ 15.79 m
22) Enterprise Development ; FY (1992 – 1999) US$ 41.85 m (IDA)
23) Structural adjustment III: FY (1998 – 1999) US$ 125.0 m (IDA).
24) Third Power: FY (1991 – 1999) – US$ 125 m (IDA).
25) Economic & Financial Management: FY US$ (1993 – 1999) – US$ 29.0 m (IDA).
The Listing of these funds serves a dual purpose in that it gives Ugandans the picture into how hopeless our economy is; with all this money yet we claim to be generating good money locally, where does this money really go? It is also important to know that this money has to be paid back. Fortunately, when World Bank realized how impoverished Ugandans are though a lot of money had been poured into the economy, they made a decision for which we should be most grateful on forgiving us the loans.
At the 1995 World summit for Social development – The Copenhagen Declaration noted that globalization creates new opportunities for sustained economic growth and development of the World economy, particularly in developing countries. Yet the International Community has become painfully aware since the summit that the globalization of capital and information has not always resulted in the globalization of better living standards.
It is also clear that even well intentioned social policies and programmes too often do not reach the poor people, under certain circumstances even undermine their well being.

The Problem of Eligible Voters:
14 Million Eligible to Vote in 2011 - THERE will be about 14 million eligible voters by June this year, according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). UBOS executive director John Male Mukasa told journalists yesterday that according to the population projection, a total of 13.9 million Ugandans will be 18 years and above by June 2010. According to the Electoral Commission's roadmap, general elections will take place between February and March 2011. Uganda's total population, according to Mukasa, will be 32.9m people by that time.

Electoral Commission Registers 15 Million Voters: The number of registered voters in the country stands at approximately 15.2 million after the Electoral Commission registered an additional 4.72million voters in the recently-concluded voter registration exercise. However, the total number of registered voters is likely to go down during the cleaning of the register. Speaking at a news conference in Kampala on Wednesday, EC Chairman Baddru Kiggundu said the commission registered 4, 718,829 voters by June 22.
However, the number of Registered voters is disputed by the Opposition, saying that the NRM has failed to clean the Voters' Register, in that it has a lot of ghosts there.
It should be better for Uganda Bureau of Statistics to work hand in hand with the Electoral Commission over the number of Voters. Below is some information regarding various statistics to do with the population in Uganda.
Does the NRM intentionally make Ugandans poor so that it is easy bribing them at polls?
I had always heard about the dishing out of money by people from the NRM camp, but just recently, I met some youth talking about how he dished shs 10,000 to voters very early in the morning of the voting day in 2006! He said money was brought in a saloon car but heavily guarded. And he was one of those assigned the duty to help dish out money to all who were passing in the path and looked the type who could change their mind and vote NRM! If this is true, it is so unfortunate to see the people who wagged a 5 year bush war with one of the reasons to fight the stealing of votes practising the same evil.

Provisions in Uganda Constitution that promote the Rights – based approach
The rights based approach, though not expressly stated, is enshrined in the Constitution of Uganda. The Constitutional provisions outlined below clearly demonstrate that the State and State agents have a legal obligation to fulfill Human Rights obligations and that through respect for Human Rights; the country can achieve democracy and development.
Article 20: Recognizes that Human Rights and freedoms of Ugandans are inherent and not given by the State and that the rights and Freedoms shall be respected, upheld and promoted by all organs and agencies of Government and by all persons.
Article 21: Recognizes equitable development, a key element of the Rights – Based Approach.

Chapter 4: Recognizes Rights which are clear benchmarks for Human development, for example; health, education, access to justice, rights of children, women, people with disabilities. The Whole Chapter Four of the Constitution is on “Protection and Promotion of Fundamental and Other Rights and Freedoms,” highlights all the Rights of civil, political, economic and cultural nature.
Article 50: Recognizes that Rights in chapter 4 are obligations that should be respected and not violated and that violations can be taken to court for redress.
Article 45: Recognizes that other than the Rights spelt out in chapter 4 of the Constitution; other Rights for example those in International Instruments ratified by Uganda must be respected, upheld and promoted.

A total of Ug. Shs 445,440,000 was awarded to victims of Human Rights violation in 2007; while shs 592,982,000 was awarded in 2008.

There is no better evidence for torture.
Article 52(f): Empowers the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) to monitor whether Uganda is complying with International treaty and convention obligations ratified by her.
National Objective and Directive Principles of State Policy:
Objective X: The State to take steps to involve in the formulation and implementation of development plans and programs, which affect them (participation).
Objective XI: The State to pass a law establishing measures that protect and enhance the right of people to equal opportunities in development.
Objective XX: The State to ensure provision of basic medical services to the population.

Objective XXII: The State to promote Right to adequate food and nutrition.
Objective XXVI: Accountability: The State to ensure that public officials are accountable to the people.
Objective XIV: The State to fulfill the fundamental Rights of all Ugandans to social justice and economic development and shall in particular that all development efforts are directed at ensuring maximum social and cultural well – being of the people, and all Ugandans to enjoy Rights and opportunities and access to education, health services, clean water, work, decent shelter, adequate clothing, food security, pension and retirement benefits.

Objective I (i): The obligation, the commitment that the State ought to have is enshrined at the very beginning of the Constitution where it is stated that, “The following objectives and principles shall guide all organs and agencies of the State, all citizens, organizations and other bodies and persons in applying or interpreting the Constitution or any other law and in taking and implementing the Constitution or any other law and in taking and implementing any policy decisions for the establishment and promotion of a just, free and democratic society.”

1) Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are gifted with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2) Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
3) Article 23:
i. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
ii. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
iii. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable payment ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
iv. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
4) Article 25:
i. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
ii. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
5) Article 26:
i. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
ii. Education shall be directed to full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United nations for the maintenance of peace.

1. Enactment of a Law on Torture:
The proposed Government of National Unity and Reconciliation will treat as priority the enacting of a law to prohibit acts of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
2. Ratification of the OPCAT
The proposed Government will ratify the Optional Protocol on the Convention against Torture and other cruel inhuman treatment (OPCAT). This will improve and strengthen the monitoring mechanism of places of detention with a two pillar system at the national and international level.
3. Establishment of a victims of Human Rights Compensation Fund:
There is delay in compensating victims of human rights violations whose cases have been successfully proven by the Human Rights Commission Tribunal. This calls for the establishment of the Victims’ Compensation Fund to help meet timely compensation of victims.

1) Encourage Communication from the people directly to an email contact set for the purpose: More often than not, the Presidency keeps the one in chair out of touch wit the people. My approach will be different if I get the opportunity to get to the high office in the land. 1st of all, shortly after getting to office, we shall ensure that at least each village has a caf̩. Good enough, many place in Uganda currently has some caf̩ where people go and do their communications. There will be an email contact through which people may directly reach me. This I hope will be facilitated by some personal assistant such that as news is read, I should have 2 Р3 hours a day devoted to this cause. When an issue is put to my attention which issues will not include employment, contracts name it, I will be able through a Personal Assistant to see that a relevant reply is given and or the matter is referred to the attention of some office which should be able to give timely feedback regarding action taken. As for jobs and tenders, the people should be able to use the right channels. My business if elected to the powerful office is to put right what has been messed up and some people see it as the norm. This method will equally apply to some Government meetings where it would require movement of people to discuss.
2) Shall use tele – conferencing facility: I shall endeavour to see that key Government offices can manage to hold tele – conference, where it should be possible to discuss issues without having to assemble in some room.
3) The use of the Digital camera facility or Video recordings: Use digital camera and or recordings of what is going on at various sites where Government has interest.
4) There will be promoted use of the Global Learning Centre: A lot of time and resources are wasted when people have to move either upcountry to meet while they would get somewhere if the used Video Conferencing. The use and utilization of this facility is to be boosted and other centres will be opened up countrywide to reduce on people having to travel for meetings and relevant discussions.
5) Having the Auditor General to perform the Audit before funds are spent: Uganda has lost enough funds due to the current procedure where the Auditor general and say Inspector of Government come in after funds have been spent. Whether it means increasing capacity in form of manpower, the Government I have in picture will endeavour that the Auditor general’s office okays all those expenditures which are not routine. It disturbs for example to find Councilors being able to award themselves funds as they may wish. This has to come to an end. The New Vision October 10 2005 reported that: “District Tender Boards are most corrupt in Local Government. This was according to a report: “The impact of political corruption on resource allocation and service delivery.” Briefly, the report says that the procurement process and award of tenders is the most abused and used channel for political corruption.” Sincerely, I cannot allow this to continue. Their transactions ought to be okayed by the Auditor General’s Office before undertaken. “The Economic Policy and Research Centre on November 4, 2003 showed that the private tender system in six districts studied : Mbale, Kamuli, Mubende, Masaka, Ntungamo, and Arua had very serious defects, and amounted to a little more than a transfer of money from ordinary often very poor tax payers to the pockets of richer tax collection agents and their associates. Given that gross profit margins to tenderers vary from between 100% to almost 1000% in these districts, and hence it tantamounts to a gigantic rip off, said Professor Frank Ellis, Senior Consultant on the EPRC study team. It disturbs to see this type of developments going on yet the districts cry of not having enough revenue and instead want to look to new sources of revenue hence living the local population without any disposable income worth talking about which throws them into more poverty all the time. According to the findings of the 2002 Uganda Participatory Poverty Action Plan (UPPAP), “As local governments continue to search for new ways to generate higher incomes, they burden residents with ever increasing numbers and types of levies, licences, fees and taxes, to the point that multiple local levels licencing and taxation, and its maladministration, is now among the leading causes of poverty in Uganda. According to EPRC, “this practice sours relations between local governments and their citizens and discourages initiative and enterprise.”
6) Use of requests for periodical feedbacks regarding projects and programmes: It will be a practice to call for feedback periodically from the concerned Government officers regarding progress of projects/programmes and the monitoring as well as evaluation reports a must.
7) Daily trial balances for Government Business: By the end of business on each day, every officer handling Government cash will be required to have that cash verified and there should be no retiring to leave unfinished business. This is how back logs start and differences in books and these reports must be available for verification at end of each business day.
8) Government office to give overview of day’s business: It should be possible to get a summary report from each government office of what took place in the day. This will call for the drive for computerization of all Government offices and connection to the Internet.
9) Feed back on Implementation of the gender policy: I will seek to be updated on the implementation of the Gender Policy in all Government departments. We are aware of the long standing imbalances in our society which have to be addressed. All officers in charge of staff must be in the know regarding the policy and shall be required to see it bear fruit. Relevant Organs to which Uganda is party in respect of gender equality are: The east African Community (EAC) Treaty (2000), The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Gender Policy (MAY 2002), The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (July 2003), the Inter Government Authority on development (IGAD), Gender Policy and Strategy (July 2004), The New Partnerships for African Development (NEPAD) through its programmes which are exposed to enhancing women’s human rights through the application of Social Development Indicators and The AU Heads of State Solemn Declaration on gender Equality (July 2004).
At the global level, instruments include: The Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW, 1979) and its Optional Protocol (adopted in October 1999) entered into force December 2000), the Beijing Declaration and Plan for Action (1995), The Commonwealth Plan of Action on gender development; Advancing the Commonwealth Plan of Action on gender and Development into the New Millennium (2005 – 2010), The International Conference on Population and development (1994), The United Nations Declaration on Violence against Women (DEVAW, 1993), The Millennium Declaration (2000), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1990).
10) Non interference into the work of the judiciary: if Ugandans entrust me into the highest office in the land, I will not get myself involved with the work of the judiciary, be it who in Government, as long as he/she is caught on the wrong side of the law, he will have to face the dire consequences without fear or favour. And in case one has a case to answer, he may have to leave office until it is settled. There should be no immunity whatsoever, as this is how corruption and other malpractices are given room in Government.
11) Regarding People sentenced to death: Though the death sentence remains on Uganda’s legal books, since I cannot create a person, I don’t think and I will never exercise that authority to execute a person. Instead, those sentenced to death may have to serve a life sentence until some other authority decides otherwise but not me. It is also true that we have people here who can give false testimony to incriminate others. There is a man in the west who was sentenced to death for murdering his son. The son afterwards ‘resurrected,’ assuming someone has executed him?
12) Business of State House with Investors: I have seen the President so much involved in directly attracting Investors into the country and finishing deals in their favour. I don’t want to be involved. What I would love to be involved with is the creation of a conducive climate for locals to do business and foreigners to find it attractive and safe to put their money in Uganda. There are credible levels we should emulate. Uganda is supposed to be lead by people inspired by God who should lead His lambs on His behalf and not to betaken up and compromised by such deals for when the deal goes bad it back fires to whoever was involved. I want to be above such.
13) Favouring school-mates: I am fortunate that in much I have been doing over the last 4 or so years, I have known my school and done work as a thank you for the education background, but fortunately, I am not in bondage to promote St. Mary’s College Kisubi in Government if I get opportunity to the highest office in the land. I believe already a number of SMACK OBs are well positioned and others can toil for themselves, but nothing like a SMACK empire to be created by me.
14) Relatives: Yes, I have very many relatives who are not well to do. However, it will not be my method to use the office to see them into positions. This is the part of corruption we are fighting. Given opportunity and I have some money to open undertakings, I will definitely involve them that way. I wish not to soil my name. I love to make a contribution for 5 years not more and go if the good Lord grants the gift of life.
15) The requirement for each and everybody 18 years and above to have a source of income and an account of some sort with some savings: Poverty shall remain the norm if we don’t come up with strategies in form of a big push to do away with it. You find a woman by her poor rented room with a child and she is there waiting for what the husband brings back. A man who earns shs 2,000 a day gives a command to the woman not to work! This status quo is simply unacceptable; this poverty is leading to a lot of domestic problems. Women cannot get 100% of their needs from men, so they have to work. If I am elected by the people of Uganda, I will push for the “Virtual Clearing House, get it capitalized, and it will not be anybody’s business f one decides not to work for pay and he/sleeps hungry, though we may not give it chance anyway. The statistics below show the picture:
i. An analysis of the 31% Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS 2006) of the population currently living below poverty line indicates that poverty impacts differently on different groups. The Social Development Sector Strategic Investment Plan (SDIP) indicates that women (33%) tend to be poorer than men (30%). This is more severe for widows (34%) including people living in households which are headed by widows. Further, there are an estimated 1.8 m orphans (13% of Ugandan children), Population and Housing Census, (2002). The Social Development Sector Strategic Investment Plan (SDIP) indicates that 41% of boy – orphans and 36% of girl orphans fall below the poverty line.
ii. The Participatory Poverty Assessment (2002) reveals that women’s inadequate control over livelihood assets such as land, labour, skills and information, networks, technology, and financial capital remains one of the root causes of poverty. For instance, although 83% of women are engaged in agricultural production, only 25.5% control the land they cultivate (UDHS), 2000/01). This scenario creates enormous challenges for the women as they are increasingly taking on the burden of family provisioning, thus seriously undermining the sustainability of the household livelihoods. Therefore, gender inequality is key area that has to be tackled through systematic removal of the constraints to women and men’s livelihoods.
iii. A gender analysis of Uganda national Household Survey (UNHS) 1992 -2003) data indicates that around 20% of Ugandan households are chronically poor and more than 10% of the poorest households moved into poverty between (1992 – 1999). The analysis further shows that with regard to income poverty, higher proportions of women headed households are chronically poor.
iv. Women continue to suffer very high burdens in pursuing their livelihood strategies. The Uganda Strategic Country gender Assessment (World Bank 200%) reveals that women work considerably longer hours than men (between 12 and 18 hours a day, with a mean of 15 hours), compared with an average male working day of 8 to 10 hours. Women bear the brunt of domestic tasks, in addition to agricultural and other productive work. The time and effort required for these tasks, in almost total absence of even rudimentary domestic technology, is staggering. This has a negative effect on food security, household income, children’s schooling, participation in community life, health, and overall productivity.
v. Regarding health rights, high maternal mortality and morbidity rates remain a challenge. Evidence from the Uganda demographic and health Survey (2006) shows that infant mortality is 76 deaths per 1,000 births and under five mortality is 137 per 1,000 births. Similarly, the UDHS 2000/01 puts maternal mortality ratio at 505 per 100,000 live births. The high total fertility rate at 6.9 has a bearing on the rapidly increasing growth rates (3.3%) per annum, which in turn has negative consequences on provision of health services for women and increases the dependence ratio. The high incidence of teenage pregnancies is associated with high risks to health and life of both the mother and child. As a signatory to the International Conference on Child Development (ICDP 1994) Government must be committed to promotion of sexual and reproductive health rights by putting gender relations at the centre of health and population interventions.
16) I am not a tribalist: I am a nationalist; It is true I am a Muganda but to me all Ugandans are equal before God and before the Constitution of Uganda. Much as I like to see a Muganda happy, the same way I like any other body to enjoy his life in Uganda. For instance, if the people of Uganda vote for me, I will ensure that all those who have grown up without knowing that bread has to go with butter and jam get to re – discover them. This sincerely cannot be for Baganda alone. It pains me to see people from all parts of Uganda come to Buganda to get jobs. Now with the Re – Birth of the Marshall plan there will be no reason why one has to migrate from his/her mother home because all the resources should be available country wide.
17) The culture of begging from politicians must stop: This business of seeing politicians as providers while every body is expected to earn a decent living is partly responsible for our problems. Because people are made to believe that income is for a privileged few, they end up worshiping them, hence we remain with a fleet of politicians who are just exploiting the people with no positive contribution worth mentioning. The culture of begging politicians should be criminal. Everybody will be provided with an environment to make a fairly decent living so that we see off those politicians who deceive our people with hand-outs and turn around to exploit them hence failing to provide for a meaningful welfare for them and the vicious circle of poverty continues.
18) Have monitors in place: Much of the money which would benefit the people of Uganda has been eaten by a few in positions where they access this money. This one is to become history. As the NRM Government has Presidential advisors, this time we are to have monitors. Whatever is going on and has had money spent on it must be monitored and no excuse to be given for its having gone wrong. No spending funds out of the ordinary without the authority of the Auditor General and specifications in the contract have to be met and enforced. No backlog is to be accommodated. Where ever there is need for more staff, that staff shall be provided. With technology in place, no lousy excuses to be accepted that information was stolen because they broke into an office. All Government documents MUST have a back up.
19) The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) to be given capacity to check dumping into the country: It is very disappointing to buy a shoe and it cannot last even a month yet when it is new. UNBS to be given capacity to ensure that dumping is not entertained. There is need to look into having price tags for goods on sale. It is very normal for traders to cheat people because they don’t fix price tags. I recall when someone got shs 20,000 from me for a charger which goes for shs 5,000!
20) Rewarding Reporters: Many times people sit on crucial information which information if given would be so crucial in saving the country loss of money. Whoever makes such a report to government and it is proved right will enjoy a certain percentage to be determined by the right authorities and in case it is not money or quantifiable in money terms, still to be rewarded in money terms as shall be determined by the right organ in place.
21) Look into compensation of properties lost under various circumstances: There are developments that have induced our people into poverty say when markets have burnt and traders have been left in vacuum. There are incidences where various compensations should have been enjoyed after death of loved ones, etc. Some organ to be put in place to review such cases, may be could be done by the Uganda Human Rights Commission.
22) Revival of Jinja Industries: The poverty in Jinja to be addressed by seeing to measures to revive the industries in Jinja and see to many more come up. It is a sad development the story of Busoga.
23) Review the work of the Privatisation Unit (Public Enterprise Reform and Divestiture (PERD): In 1992, just before the advent of reform in earnest, the parastatal sector was standing at over 140 enterprises covering a diverse range of activities from trade and commerce, agro-production and processing, manufacturing, insurance and utility services. Over 85% were commercial in nature and according to reports these were already facing competition from the private sector. The enterprises were operating at well below 30% capacity utilization and contributed only 5% to GDP. In addition, out of national debt stock of US$ 3.5 bn, 28% (US$ 986 m) was generated by the private enterprises – worse still these debts were guaranteed by Government. The public enterprises were therefore inefficient and unable to generate enough resources to finance their operations and save for re-investment.
24) People who take up contracts and they don’t remit money: It is unfortunate that some people get contracts, continue to get money from say parks and because they think they have cover, continue to collect the revenue for own consumption. This simply cannot be left. This is the reason why we keep a begging economy.



NB It is important to note that the 24 listed are representing major policy areas which will be different from the way the NRM conducts its business. What is not touched here has intentionally been left out and may be streamlining may be required but not a major policy objective as many of the listed portray. These (24) are what bring out the distinctiveness between the two that is the NRM and the proposed Government set up. For instance, it is wrong to discuss matters of the East African Community here apart from ensuring that agreements are implemented to ensure its sustained existence for the benefit of all the peoples of the member countries. It is also true that the outlined are the areas I would have to try hard to see that Parliament when it is the relevant organ to handle does in conformity with my conviction for the welfare of the people of Uganda, more so the poor who more often are impoverished the more due to policy in place over which they remain enslaved and victims.

The Chief Executive Vs the PRO
CE: How come we have no contribution in this issue?
PRO: Sir, You know, the company policy is that we must have a look at the previous issue before we make a contribution.
CE: Scrap that right away. We have missed a chance of being party to an educative Magazine to which we would have contributed. We should be able to gauge the type of Magazine when the Editor gives us a hint.
The Logic of the above:

Someone will say: “So and so, why give him a vote? I have not seen him deliver, what is his background, and so on and so forth. The gist of the matter is; how do we move forward? What I have outlined is fundamentally what I will endeavour to convince other players in Government to ensure implemented, and I want to assure the people of Uganda that I have the will; and all a long I have had that heart which feels for the deprived, the injustices in our country. The Baganda have a saying which when interpreted to English means that: You may think you despise some one because he is not big. Here it is not body size that matters, not wealth, but Ideas and such ideas which are not a gamble, but those that will definitely work. I would love to work under the Agenda to see Uganda a better country for all of us with the cooperation and support of the established political party leaders and their members. I believe I have the key to unite Ugandans at this crucial stage in our history, and thereafter, I should leave the stage but having set the ground for that Democracy which many leaders don’t want to give chance. So please, let us unit for a way forward as one person under a Government of National Unity and when we have sustained that, it should be easy for each of us to go to his party which he so cherishes.

The NRM has been given its chance: What is the evaluation like?
The NRM waged a 5 year Bush War because The Late Paulo Muwanga helped Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) to ‘win’ the 1980 General Elections. In power, NRM leaders promised Ugandans a fundamental change. The question is: “Today, when the Uganda Opposition openly declares that elections conducted by the NRM Government have a lot of rigging, is there justification for the 5 year bush way and the suffering later on deaths endured? NRM Leadership has to know: “The probability of a theory or practice in Science can be demonstrated by performing an objective experiment. Findings can be compared after a series of observations and errors are evaluated. The opposite however is true for the politician – history gives him only a single chance. The failure of a social experiment usually is not only a personal catastrophe for the individual politician, but of the basic concept he was fighting for as well.”

Developing a Culture of Peaceful Settlement of Conflict
In Uganda , we MUST endorse a culture of peaceful resolution of Conflict. One reason why poverty is so much, so many unemployed youth, and low production capacity, wrong policy a part; the NRM over its tenure of office has been involved in the use of war to solve conflicts; and this is regrettable. It was hard to believe that not long ago when Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) were in Congo pursuing Kony, Ug. Shs 400m or so (if my memory is good) was being use daily, and they were there for a month or so. In such circumstances a country cannot escape being poor. Adam Smith says in The wealth of Nations: “Among the civilized nations of modern Europe … not more than one – hundredth part of the inhabitants of any country can be employed as soldiers, without ruin to the country that pays the expense of their service.” The basic truth is that war is a parasitical part of the economy, particularly when it becomes professionalized. Professional armies cannot feed or clothe themselves or even provide themselves with weapons. This has to be done by the civilian population.

People will always tell you, “You are not a military personnel, how can you rule Uganda ?
First of all, let me be clear once again, I am advocating for a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation which Uganda needs most as of now. In this arrangement, all parties will play roles to ensure that we move forward democratically, and there will be no winner takes it all given that I am an Independent candidate. We seriously cannot live in perpetual fear endlessly; we must boldly come out and say, this is what we want. Yet even those who imagine that they have a right to keep Ugandans in slavery will one of these days turn to God and do justice. “Peace is the greatest good that people can wish for in life.” When the great humanist Cervantes wrote this, he was stating the principle position of pacifism, where attainment of peace is regarded as the highest possible value to which all other aspirations should be subordinated. Yet history is full of examples where peace has been consciously sacrificed for attaining other goals, for preserving faith and principles, and for materialism and ideology. It can be remembered by those of us who were around in 1983: “On December 3, 1983, Ugandans woke up to the shocking news on Radio Uganda that the country’s powerful and feared Army Chief of Staff, Major General David Oyite Ojok had died. It was the closest to Ugandans experiencing the death of a sitting President.” Yes, you may think that you are at liberty to take away people’s rights and deny them their wishes by using fear, but, at times God can decide otherwise for you. We need just to get that maturity and we shall have Uganda as a country where we shall all peacefully co – exist.

Kituuka’s Stakes in the Struggle for the High Office
When you see a trailer on the road, you may imagine that the driver must be very energetic to manage to drive the huge thing on the road. But, the truth is that the designers of the vehicle made it such that, it is normal driving, without the need to use that much energy. In my case, I see the role a head as normal because I have the conviction, and basic ability to do the job given the cooperation and advice as expected. What I can say, is that given audience by the people of Uganda when properly facilitated which is my biggest constraint, I can easily prove a David against the Goliath (a combination of forces that may be opposed to my stand and standing.

The Strategy of a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation
Many may wish to know my exact strategy when I talk about a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation. Apart from the removal of Presidential term limits, our Constitution has a lot in common with the one of the Americans. In my case therefore, to have the objective met, my run mate - the Vice President would be Ambassador Olara Otunu. The Position of Prime Minister was initially not in the Constitution and I am not aware that it is there legally. It tends to weaken the Vice President.

Why the Ambassador?
1) He did not soil his hands in the till for the 24 – 25 years NRM has been in power;
2) He is an Internationally respected diplomat who can help the country a lot in efforts to see to recovery; which efforts require a lot of good will and funding from potential donors;
3) He will stand to see the Northern Uganda recovery and reconstruction efforts real to benefit the victims of the wars there;
4) He stands for the good in the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) whose policies many Ugandans still wish for ( the cooperatives thrived, social infrastructure to mention a few);
5) He is a man who is in for reconciliation.

Ministerial Positions:

1. Ministry of Defense to Major Mugisha Muntu

2. Ministry of Internal Affairs to Dr. Kizza Besigye;

3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Hon.Mau;

4. Ministry of Finance to Dr. Abed Bwaniika;

5. Ministry of Public Service to Hon. Bidandi Ssali;

6. Ministry of Land - Hon. Kyanjo
7. Minitry of Water ^ Environment – Hon. Mabiike
8. Ministry of Agriculture- The Conservative Party

I wish to have 1/3 of the cabinet positions to the women. Of these we would have 4 Full Ministers in Ministries which need to see gender balance real and the women rights observed. These are:
1) Health
2) Education
3) Gender, Labour & Social Development – Hon. Betty Nambooze

4) Local Government – Hon. Betty Kamya

A lot of constitutional amendments need to be made in the 5 years and one man who may do the work well is Hon. Erias Lukwago.
The Religious factor is featuring prominently in our politics today. The six major religions including the Traditionals; to nominate one representative to take up a cabinet position. Given the number of Baganda already featuring, may be a Muganda may not be nominated among the 6.
It is true, being a Government of National Unity; the Movement would also be represented on the cabinet.
I however sear that I have not discussed this strategy with anybody mentioned. It my opinion of the way forward given where we are now with the opposition badly divided and chances of getting the Government out of power almost not there.
I swear that if the Opposition parties agree at this critical time to front me as a sole Presidential candidate, this will be a win situation for all in official opposition. The 5 years would then be used to amend the bad laws; reorganize the parties and have them strengthened in a free and fair atmosphere so that come 2016, all factors remaining constant; they will be better prepared for the challenges.
Meanwhile, party leaders and their members’ representatives agree to my proposal, and then what would remain for them is to further mobilize support so that it finally becomes a walk over. Their positions are a sure deal in cabinet is success is realized.
As for the Hon. MPs mentioned who are not party Presidents, it will be optional for them either to compete for Members ship in Parliament or not for also their positions are as indicated above.

The strategies that will help my campaign given support are reflected in my proposals that aim at delivering to the people of Uganda given opportunity as is in a satisfactory customer service. These among others are:

1) Knowing that it costs six times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an old one;
2) A typical dissatisfied customer will tell between 8 – 10 people about his/her problem;
3) Seven out of ten customers will do business with you again …. If you resolve the complaint in their favour;
4) If you resolve the complaint on spot, 95% will do business with you again;
5) Of the customers who quit, 68% do so because of an attitude of indifference by the company or a specific individual;
6) As far as I am concerned, the voters of Uganda and those who reside in Uganda are my customers; they are the boss, I promise quality work, and value for their votes – just trust me and we get moving; Victory is our goal come the 2011 General Elections.
7) I promise to religiously solve the ills of the peoples of Uganda , and Ugandans getting to know about it (publicity of my plans/intentions for their well being, should equal to success come the 2011 General elections. For I have all along been an active advocate of the welfare of Ugandans, my works/writings are testimony to the effect, no bribe can get me off the belief and conviction that good living conditions can be enjoyed by all of us if only our leaders can have that vision for the country. And, trust me; I have it as reflected in my plegdes below. I look forward to success.


I. There are many Ugandans who live in social exclusion. They have little or no access to social and economic protection and basic social services. Herein lies the problem: with limited access to secure income, basic education, health care, clean water and food security, they are caught in a continuing cycle of poverty and vulnerability. This leads to their exclusion from the mainstream of both social and economic activity. It is this sad development that is the drive to have the innovation of the Virtual Clearing House.
II. The biggest investment challenge by the Government I have in picture is managing the innovation of a Virtual Clearing House. This will be an arrangement where all people previously unemployed will fit when work is thought for them. The 1st beneficiaries here should be those who hold qualifications in Business Administration and Management; those trained in information technology and those with accounting/auditing /banking and financial management skills. These will form the basic staff in the Virtual Clearing House.
III. This arrangement is to have branches from the village level to the National Clearing House. This arrangement is to be installed with the equivalent of cards where each beneficiary will have information concerning him/her as is with bank ATM cards.
IV. The arrangement is to open up equivalent of Grocery shops in each village where the beneficiaries with the Virtual Clearing House will do most of the shopping for the basics of life.
V. The Virtual Clearing House will operate like credit cards do. Someone will offer a service, for which credit will go to his or her card, and this person will be able to get goods and services basic with the use of this card.
VI. Because Government will be employing people who other wise would not be in employment, special rates will be implemented and upgraded as the economy is boosted by the activities taking place nation wide.

Projected Source of Funding for the Virtual Clearing House:
1) Sale proceeds of the Presidential Jet – at least some shs 65bn can be expected from this source;
2) Sale of Government Securities 9to fund raise from the general public);
3) Seeking Local and International partners in the undertaking:
i. Companies which may extend to us capacity for agro – processing industrialization so that we pay after;
ii. Look for countries which may be ready to donate to us things like drugs and medical equipment;
iii. Get individuals locally in Uganda who have the capacity to extend to us some facilities so that we pay afterwards say after 6 months;
4) Borrow from IDA of the World Bank (though this could take a bit of time to sanction;
5) Seek consent of the members of Uganda Social Security Fund to see whether they can allow the Government to borrow a small percentage of their savings;
6) Appeal to generous Ugandans to donate to the cause;
7) Look at the possibility of selling of some Government Stores to realize some funds;
8) Seek a hand by local commercial banks as well as insurance companies;
9) Negotiate with donors to re 0- schedule some of the loan repayments so that the saving realized is injected into the Virtual Clearing House.

I. All people with qualifications should get employment, while the unskilled should be communally mobilized for gainful communal tasks for which they should get payment. This arrangement is to be organized under the Virtual Clearing House.
II. When this is implemented for instance, it will not be necessary to have a carer for a patient admitted to a government health unit.
III. Those who can train in literacy will be recruited to see that all people who don’t know how to read or right are taught.
IV. Government shall get into understanding with people who have land and are not able as of now to utilize it. This under the community scheme in the Virtual Clearing House arrangement will have members of the community cultivate these areas in line with the guidance of agricultural personnel with a dual objective of increasing agricultural production mostly for processing and eventual export as well as increase food availability to cater for the balanced diet needs of the people.
V. Those with equipment that can be hired including vehicles shall also be employed in the communal scheme under the Virtual Clearing House arrangement so that they provide services as shall be needed; for instance, if members of the community are to construct school blocks under education for all, the locally available vehicles shall be utilized for the services.

I. The Budget Speech for Financial Year 2008/09, under Health, I quote: “The Health system in Uganda has continued to suffer from poor service delivery and inefficiency. The Health Centres continue to have drug stock – outs and attendance by many health workers at their duty stations is irregular. The inefficiency, corruption, poor service delivery and stock –outs in Health Centers must be dealt with decisively.”
II. The Budget Speech read on 12 June 2003, regarding Health: “Mr, Speaker Sir, despite substantial Government investment in the promotion of primary health care, the health outcome indicators of infant and maternal mortality have remained low. Reproductive health remains a key priority for the health sector …” “To further improve health outcomes, I have allocated to primary health care next year by shs 9bn, to shs 105bn.” It remains questionable whether value for money is realized for the amount involved is not small, but service delivery still appalling.
III. Most women in Uganda say that they face serious problems in accessing health care for themselves when they are sick. Overall, 86% of women say they encounter at least one serious problem in gaining access. The most common problems mentioned are getting money for treatment (65%), living too far from a health facility (55%), and obtaining transportation (49%). 17% of women express concern that no female health provider is available, while 8% say they face problems getting permission for treatment.
IV. Almost two – thirds of pregnant women in Uganda (64%) are Anaemic. Anaemia can be an underlying cause of maternal deaths and illness and may contribute to premature births and low birth weight. Among the important measures to reduce Aneamia among women are iron and folic acid supplementation, preventive treatment of Malaria, and use of insecticide - treated mosquito nets during pregnancy.
V. Uganda demographic and health Survey (UDHS)data shows that most Ugandan women are giving birth under unsafe conditions:
a) Only 42% of births in Uganda are assisted by a skilled provider. One possible explanation for this low percentage is that many more births occur at home (58%) than in a health facility (41%);
b) 63% of women in rural areas gave birth at home, compared to only 20% of women in urban areas;
c) 10% of all births were completely unassisted!
d) Women with secondary education or more education are three times more likely to give birth in a health facility than women with no education;
e) Delivery in a health facility varies by region; only 30% of women in Western Uganda and Northern Uganda gave birth in a health facility compared to 90% of women in Kampala .
VI. Men are more likely than women to engage in risky sexual behaviour, such that as sex with someone who is not a spouse or sex with multiple partners. Because many married men have multiple partners and engage in higher – risk sex, married women often may not be able to avoid the risk of exposure to HIV and other STIs. In the 2006 UDHS, 80% of women and 87% of men say that if a husband has a sexually transmitted infection; his wife is justified in refusing to have sex with him. Nevertheless, many married women say that in fact they cannot refuse sex with their husbands and many say that they cannot ask their husbands to use a condom.
VII. Uganda wastes a lot of resources which would go into free treatment of her people. By 1974, it was possible to go for example to Grade B Entebbe Hospital without someone to care for you and without a coin and leave having got satisfactory service and cured without getting a coin from your pocket. This service shall be rejuvenated. You can only have a productive population when the people are healthy. This however will be in Government establishments.
VIII. “In Moving Out of Poverty by Participatory poverty Assessment Process a Community Synthesis Report of Bamba Village, Bukimbiri Sub – County, Kisoro District. A respondent talked about Persistent sickness: “Ill heath featured prominently as responsible for individuals remaining trapped into poverty. Those who were persistently sick or households that had a patient for a long time spent a lot of their time and resources treating the patient. They reportedly sold their animals and land to meet the medical costs and as a result remained trapped in poverty.”
IX. There are cases of resignation: “Some individuals or households that got stuck in poverty were argued to have a psychological belief that their conditions were attributed to fate. In such circumstances, they never made any efforts to improve their well being and therefore their status never improved. When they decline (get to lower economic status) they become frustrated, stop working and believe that they are what they are because of God’s will!” In such circumstances, advocating for free medical will get people’s hope and energy back, hence productive thereafter.
X. Capacity to be catered for through the Virtual Clearing House where people from the community near to the establishment shall offer their labour including brick making, fetching water, labour to build to have enough capacity for the projected users of the facility.

XI. My idea is to have a more comprehensive strategy which can help the country in dealing with the monster: “That Uganda which constitutes 0.4% of the world’s population accounts for 2.4% of the World’s HIV/AIDS cases, six times its proportionate share, said the Uganda Human Development Report (UHDR) 2002 published by UNDP.
XII. Many times professionals complain about what a government is to do for the better health of their sectors. It can be unfortunate that even when tools for their work are acquired, some pay lip service to them and or just waste away opportunities. For the People in Uganda who are living with HIV/AIDS, it will be difficult to forgive those players who led to the termination of the Global Fund, hereafter referred to as ‘the Global Fund Saga.’ In August 2005, the global Fund suspended all five of its grants to Uganda citing management issues. The Global fund was created in 2002 to facilitate the global efforts to fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis. It was aimed at raising funds and pooling money from Governments, businesses, and individuals around the world, and channeling it to the grant. Uganda ’s target was to have 60,000 people on treatment by the end of 2004. According to UNAIDS, this target was missed, and between 40,000 and 50,000 people were receiving drugs. By the end of 2005 the number had risen to between 71,000 and 79,000 representing half those in need. On August 24th 2004, the global Fund decided to suspend grants to Uganda following an independent audit by PricewaterhouseCoopers which revealed evidence of serious mismanagement. Around US $ 280,000 was fraudulently siphoned off when the American dollar grants were converted into Uganda shillings using false exchange rates. The portfolio of grants to Uganda was worth US$ 367million, by the time of suspension, only $4million had been released equivalent to 1.089%!
XIII. The government in perspective to come up with tangible solutions to complacency and the ‘normalization’ of AIDS, which are believed to be responsible for the increase in the risky behaviour that early HIV prevention campaigns sought to reverse. It is said that, “people now think that because HIV has been around for so many years, it is a normal condition among the population.” It will be necessary to set up an HIV/AIDS fund as is currently with the road fund. This to help generate own capacity to develop own capacity in form of national savings out of which funds to buy HIV drugs will be got. And, for other medical cases, specialized units for the purpose and coordinated efforts with organization in HIV/AIDS will help in scaling down the infections. It is absolutely important to note that increasing poverty levels in the countryside have positively contributed to increased spread of HIV. With the proposed policy to employ all able bodied persons, new infections induced by absolute poverty will be greatly reduced.
XIV. There will be scaling up of the home visits when people not in the capacity of volunteers but those employed for the purpose get to the field and do it as routine gainful employment.
XV. Trained personnel in own practice will be taken on board and experts working outside the country will be encouraged to come back with good incentives.
XVI. A formula to be thought in handling complex cases where cost sharing may be necessary.

I. In order for people to understand and appreciate their opportunities and responsibilities as democratic citizens, they must receive a sound education. Such an education seeks not only to familiarize people with the precepts and principles of democracy, but also to produce citizens who are principled, independent, inquisitive, and analytic in their outlook.
II. Efforts to be made to ensure that all who don’t know how to read and write are taught. This may be at existing Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools or other area deemed convenient. This is an initiative where all the illiterates will be mobilized to ensure that they get functional literacy as a pre requisite for development.
III. Through the community initiative, the people will get involved in building school blocks and as such, shortly there will be no problems of having many children/students but little capacity. These will still have to be cleared for their services by the Virtual Clearing House.
IV. It will be a strategy to see that teacher incentives are put back to the levels before the income was watered down by inflation. Refresher courses to be enhanced and regular.
V. All Government primary schools shall ensure that they teach practical gardening and capacity shall be enhanced for vocationalisation.
VI. Quality teaching shall be enhanced and regular inspection effected.

I. It is not news that at least 60% of interviewed Ugandans wish for a federal system of governance. Time is ripe to see regional governments take shape in Uganda and use this as an avenue to see that poles of growth are seen throughout the country instead of a few places like ear Kampala and that people of which ever area of the country benefit through retaining a potion of the government revenue generated in their areas.
II. There is need to lessen pressure on people eying joining the National Parliament, and this is possible when the regional parliaments take off under the federal arrangement which is the wish of many people as of now.
III. Come up with Parliamentary Legislation of a uniform federal arrangement for Uganda federal regions.

I. Corruption has been given a chance because many earn pea nuts given the cost of living, and it is one reason why many skilled and unskilled people have looked for greener pastures elsewhere.
II. A living wage is possible using a strategy to see reduced taxation (that is VAT and on fuel) among other things, and the free medical services.
III. When agro – processing takes off, this is one area where it is hoped that the country will base its increased export base hence income to boost the welfare of the people.
IV. Reducing on wastage and duplication can be a big saving to the country as well as increasing production to work at full capacity as more consumption of goods and services is enhanced.
V. Checking the leakages of about shs 500bn which annually goes to corruption and have this to productive use.

I. Poverty is largely a rural phenomenon, with 96% of the country’s poor living in the countryside. 42% of the rural populations live below the absolute poverty line compared with 12% of urban dwellers Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS, 2003). Women make up the majority of the rural poor while female - headed households, that are becoming increasingly common, are poorer than male – headed households. One manifestation of poverty is the finding of 1988 Survey carried out in 14 districts which showed that, at any time, about 40% of the population is food insecure. Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Fisheries Dev. Strategy & investment Plan (2005/06 – 2007/08) Page 2.
II. There is a global dimension to the Right of Adequate Food. The international sources of the Right to Food include the International Bill of Rights and the Vienna Convention on Human Rights the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), 1989, and others. These instruments state that every person has a right to adequate food and a fundamental right to be from hunger. The elaboration of the Right to Adequate Food is spelled out in the UN General Comment No. 12 developed by the UN Committee on Economics, Social and Cultural Rights. The primary responsibility for ensuring the Right to Adequate Food lies with the State. The duty of the State includes; taking positive steps to ensure the realization of the right such as development of rights based national plans and strategies in a participatory, non discriminative way, and developing a legislative agenda for implementation of the right to food.
III. Uganda lacks an appropriate framework law on the right to Food encompassing both food and nutrition and its laws do not meet the international obligations on States to respect, protect and fulfill the right to adequate food.
IV. While Uganda is party to the relevant international treaty (ICESCR) on the right to food, the food situation is not optimal being characterized in some cases by food shortages and malnutrition, despite the favourable geographical location. It thus does not satisfy General Comment No. 12 which States that the Right to Food is realized when every person in a community has physical and economic access at all times to adequate food and means for its procurement. Each State is expected to make its own strategy on meeting its obligations on the right to food. These obligations are to respect, protect and fulfill the right to food.
V. A Case where the Right to Food was violated by the State in Uganda: In August 2001, Government of Uganda deployed the army, Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) to evict over 400 families with a population of over 2000 people to create a 9.6 square mile space for a German investor Newmanna Kaffe Groupe locally registered as Kaweri Coffee Plantation Ltd. The eviction was abrupt, brutal and without compensation. People were whipped and kicked, their houses either demolished or set on fire, property either looted or destroyed, and they were forced to settle in forests surrounding the demarcated land, which was allocated to the investor. The heavy rains destroyed the meager property they ran away with since it was a wet season and people were then sleeping in the open. People were reduced to paupers! All the family livelihood systems were destroyed without any alternative provided. They were overwhelmingly overworked to be able to feed and provide for their families in this difficult situation. They had to move long distances to sell labour for food. There was wide spread ill health due to the harsh living conditions and malnutrition. Children in post primary education had to stop their education abruptly as a result of the devastation of their parents’ economic base. (Source: Towards the Implementation of the right to adequate Food in Uganda - Report of the Human Rights Commission (UHRC), 2004).
VI. The health and nutritional status of mothers and children are intimately linked. Improved infant and young child feeding begins with ensuring the health and nutritional status of women, in their own right, throughout all stages of life and continues with women as providers for their children and families. Mothers and infants form a biological and social unit; they also share problems of malnutrition and ill – health. Whatever is done to solve these problems concerns both mothers and children together.
VII. One simply gets to appreciate the problems in Uganda ’s agricultural sector, say sorry to the farmers. When you read responses made by people during a Community Synthesis Report of Butanga Village, Butanga Sub – County of Masaka District as made by Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Process – a November 2006 Publication by the Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development:
a. “In this village there were very powerful people who used to load a lorry of Coffee (300 bags) from their own plantations, but at the moment no one harvests even 10 bags of Coffee in the village.”
b. “If you go through the garden where everything has dried up, your enthusiasm to work disappears. If one does not get what to eat, then he can never be energetic to cultivate the land which explains why people work for less hours, since they no longer have food reserves of Cassava and Bananas which was destroyed by the Cassava mosaic and Banana weevils respectively.”
c. “Even the cassava which we used to grow and was doing very well in our village cannot yield as expected due to soil exhaustion, and as a result, there is no food security in the village. Food security is becoming worse every other day.”
d. “Even compost manure cannot be successfully made and used because it needs water to rot, and without rainfall, nothing much can be done because we do not have the energy to fetch and pour water on the compost manure due to poor feeding.”
e. There is no better testimony than from the horse’s mouth. People in many parts of Uganda are in similar situation; hence the need for Government to rectify the situation before it is too late. I promise to help farmers through this mess, there is no big deal about it with commitment so that they regain energy to work and also get a smile on their faces.
f. Memories of the Coffee boom: “About the mid – 1990s, the price of Coffee rose to its highest ever. This was the turning point in the history of the village. Most of the residents who had built grass – thatched houses used the coffee money to build permanent houses of bricks, cement and iron sheets. The people who traded in the coffee (middle men) got the bigger profits. These middlemen were able to invest the profits further in construction of Coffee processing plants, building houses for renting out in the nearby trading centre, buying fishing nets and establishing themselves as investors in the fishing industry.
VIII. When the Virtual Clearing House takes off, many currently unemployed will have some income, with the income, improved diet will be priority.
IX. When the Virtual Clearing House takes off, communities will be involved in communal gardening and part of the produce will go to enhance improved nutrition; and the people shall be taught the advantages of eating a balanced diet.
X. It is a fact that many of the medical cases we have today are due to poor nutrition; hence the balanced diet is extremely important in being incorporated in the national programme priorities.

I. Women in Uganda are at an educational disadvantage compared to men. Women’s comparative lack of schooling limits their opportunities and constrains their choices. Education is crucial to gaining the knowledge, skills, and confidence that women need to improve their status and health. Studies show that a woman’s educational level is strongly associated with health status, contraceptive use, fertility rates, and the health of her children. Several indicators from the 2006 Uganda Demographic and health Survey (UDHS) shows a large gender gap in education:
a) 39% of Ugandan Women age 15 – 49 cannot read and write at all, compared to 16% of men;
b) About one – fifth of women (19%) have no formal education, compared to just 5% of men;
c) Three in ten men (30%) have some secondary or higher education, compared to one in five women (21%).
II. Current population growth figures in Uganda are a real cause of worry. Fertility levels in Uganda are among the highest in the world. On average, a Ugandan woman will have 6.7 children in her lifetime. High fertility rates can make it more difficult to provide housing, education, services, health care, and jobs and to achieve development goals.
III. Modern contraceptive use is low in Uganda . The figures in line with contraceptive use are:
a) Only 18% of married women currently use a modern method of family planning; 6% use a traditional method;
b) Injectables are the most common method, and this is used by 10% of married women;
c) Sexually active unmarried women are more likely than married women to use a modern contraceptive method (47%). Among sexually active unmarried women, more than one – quarter (27%) rely on the male condom, while 13% use injectables.
d) Urban married women are more than twice likely to use modern contraception as rural women (375 to 15%);
e) Additionally, modern contraceptive use is two times hgher among married women with secondary education than among women with only primary education (35% to 15%). Only 9% of women with no education use a modern method of family planning.
IV. A lot of effort has to be made to make parents appreciate the need to embrace family planning.
V. There is need for women to take more responsibility in the support of their children hence this will make them realize that they ought to have a smaller number of children whom they can cater for.
VI. Family planning services should be offered free of charge to the poor.


CHOGM 2007 in Uganda was good opportunity for some people to "eat" tax payers' monies.

The Electoral Commission Chairman – Engineer Badru Kiggundu was recently demanding for more money for the forthcoming General elections. He said that for each newly created district shs 500m was needed for each of the 10 new districts; which Government endorsed recently. It is absurd that NRM’s wish to have more numbers in Parliament is causing the Uganda tax payer astronomical amounts of money. This is corruption which is deep rooted within the NRM! While that is said, Bushenyi district is to be sub – divided and an additional 4 or so districts added to what Kiggundu is demanding. And, Bushenyi is NRM’s strong hold. It can be remembered from the time of the Constituency Assembly that the NRM Government made a formula through numbers such that whatever they wanted to be passed, the numbers were just in their favour. For how long we are to go on like this?

NRM may have spent about shs 4bn in their elections one reason why we should get them out of office, this is not money from party members.

It is interesting to see a party which has cultivated a culture of cheating in National Elections when the cheating catches up with them in party elections!

I. On December 9, 2003 representatives of States and Governments gathered in the City of Merida in Mexico to sign The UN Convention for Fighting Against Corruption. The Convention was signed as a sign and commitment/undertaking to promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption more efficiently and effectively, to promote and facilitate and support International Cooperation and technical assistance in the prevention of and the fight against corruption and to promote integrity, accountability and proper management of public affairs and property. The Convention applies to the prevention, investigation and prosecution of corruption and the freezing, seizure, confiscation and the return of the proceeds of offences established therein. Chapter 3 of the convection entails criminalization and law enforcement against acts that amount to corruption. The chapter further details procedures for the freezing, seizure and confiscation of proceeds of corruption; property and equipment destined to be used for acts of corruption crime and the protection of witnesses, reporting persons and compensation for damages. Chapter 5 of The UN Convention for fighting Against Corruption provides for the recovery of assets. This will ensure return of funds to legitimate owners. The chapter provides for the prevention and detection of transfer of proceeds of crime and mechanisms for the recovery of property and International Cooperation on the confiscation and the return and disposal of assets. Given this Convention in place, it is simply seeing it implemented.
II. Ezra Suruma; Former Minister of Finance, Planning & Economic Development is quoted in “Sustainable Wealth Creation a publication of the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda, I quote: “Government is concerned that the standards of societal and business ethics in the country have declined over the years. We have seen the emergence of a “quick – gain” mentality that focuses almost entirely on short term gains, at whatever cost. Our children are growing up in an environment where the dividing line between right and wrong is growing dim as society continues to grant heroic status to those who have been involved in unethical acts. Regrettably, the ‘tried and tested’ values of hard work and decency have been lost to many. The question we must answer in affirmative is whether we can recapture these values and focus on developing long term success based on sound ethical principles. Only then shall we expect our businesses to survive in the long run, and compete effectively in the ever – changing global market for the benefit of all stakeholders.” The message is from the horse’s mouth. It is a challenge which has to be taken on squarely if we are to get to zero tolerance on corruption and boost our ruined repute.

III. Corruption equals monopoly plus discretion minus accountability. Corruption tends to develop when someone has monopoly power over a good or service, has the discretion to decide over distribution and quantify it, and is not accountable.
IV. While opening Celtel House which cost Ug. Shs 4bn on October 7, 1997, the then Vice President Hon. (Dr) Specioza Wandira Kazibwe amused guests when she said that if CelTel had been a Parastatal, it would have cost Government US $20million and ten years to complete! Source: The Quarterly Newsletter of Celtel Vol. 4 March 1998.
V. The Auditor General’s report on the Public accounts of the Republic of Uganda for the year ended 30th June 1999, reveals startling losses as a result of procurement leading to loss of astronomical sums. The Ministry of defense entered into a contract with a foreign firm to supply 4 helicopters at a total of US$12,908,550. According to the contract, on being paid half of the contract figure of US$6,454,275 by promissory notes, the supplier would dispatch all the helicopters by charter flight within 45 days of the receipt of the promissory notes. Promissory notes worth US$6,454,275 were issued on 4th April 1997 but two helicopters were delivered a year later! The advance payment was covered by a performance bond executed by a local bank and guaranteed by a foreign bank, but this bond expired in June 1997. It was later discovered that the helicopters were not overhauled and were not air worthy. A controversy arose and the supplier to have taken them back for repairs.
VI. The Auditor General’s report for the year ended 30th June, 1999, under “Theft of stores at the AIDS Control Programme.” An audit inspection revealed that a theft of shs 49,090,534 had occurred in the stores. The theft occurred on two different occasions in the space of 17 days, and the stores had not been broken into indicating insider dealing.
VII. Corruption is one of the rampant evils facing Uganda today. This is manifested in various forms including abuse of office, fraud and embezzlement, falsification of documents, nepotism, over – invoicing, tax evasion, gross misappropriation of public funds, false budgeting and many others. Due to the devastating effects of corruption, people are denied basic social services. Although there are laws and institutions to fight corruption, the laws are marred by poor enforcement and the institutions suffer vast constraints including lack of adequate and skilled manpower, poor remuneration of staff, lack of incentives and lack of logistical support. While it is true that corruption is a world wide phenomenon, it is worrying the dimension it is taking in Uganda . It is not only institutionalized today, but also threatens to tear the whole economy a part.
VIII. On corruption, President Festus Mogae of Botswana told the 9th International Anti – Corruption Conference of 10 – 15 October 1999 that, it exacerbates poverty in that it effectively transfers real resources from official state coffers to the few rich and powerful. It also distorts factor prices in that those who benefit from corruption are rewarded for little or no work done and the cost of projects turns out higher than it would be. It likewise distorts economic decision – making, sometimes giving priority to development projects that may have little or no national benefit.” In the same conference, Mr. Joseph Warioba of Tanzania ’s Presidential Commission on Corruption attributed its prevalence mainly to greed and poverty. The greed of those with wealth and power, leading to ‘grand corruption,’ and the poverty of ordinary civil servants, policemen and other public employees who feel driven to supplement their meager incomes through bribes and exortion, known as petty corruption.
IX. I wish to quote just one report which appeared in the Monitor newspaper, “Shs 7bn UPE money stolen: The minister of State for Planning and Economic Development in charge of Investments, Gabriel Opio has said shs 7bn meant for construction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) classroom blocks has been stolen by several district officials. Minister Opio was January 21, 2000 officiating at the close of a two week business course for religious leaders and district Private Sector Development Centres at Lions Hotel in Kampala . He said the shs 7bn is 25% of shs 31bn which was to be spent on the UPE classroom project in the 1999 – 2000 financial year. Opio further explained that accounting officers concerned connive with headmasters and local councilors to embezzle UPE funds and have failed to produce accountability on how the money was spent!
X. Delay in providing services which leads to queuing is partly responsible for corruption where clients end up paying for services for which Government employees are duly paid to execute (though merge salaries induce the evil).
XI. Offices which don’t display the various official charges which clients have to pay to benefit from the services give employees opportunity to cheat clients.
XII. The use of junior officers to push for bribes for the senior officers is also common in some offices more so where a signature of the senior is needed.
XIII. Paying one’s way when in the wrong where the official penalty is on the high and the culprit opts to pay a bribe.
XIV. In decentralized units what is most significant is not individuals being corrupt per se, but it is a collective decision by a group of influential counselors to strike a deal and then share.
XV. Measures to counter the above are a MUST and if necessary appropriate prosecution of culprits. South Africa ’s Minister of Justice Penuella Maduna while in 10 - 15 October 1999 Conference on Anti – Corruption said, “there is lack of political will. For success in fighting corruption, there must be a clear commitment on the part of political leaders to combat the evil and to take decisive action against corrupt officials. The leaders themselves must be prepared to submit to scrutiny.”
“After many years of using its DSO exclusively, a Council decided to test the market by inviting tenders for a discrete group of housing repairs. However, the tendering arrangements were poor in that:
 Tenders were not identified as such on return envelops;
 Tenders were opened as they arrived by whatsoever happened to deal with the post;
 Tenders were not kept in a secure place (they were left in an unlocked filing cabinet);
 Tenders received were not on record sheet;
Following a ‘tip – off’, an Internal Audit investigations found that the lowest tender had been inserted into the system just before the deadline by a Council employee (a relative of the contractor) who had seen the tenders submitted by other contractors. The offer was dismissed and the contractor rescinded. The difference between the actual lowest bid and the one originally accepted was shs 300,000,000!”

“Over a period of three years, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare was defrauded of shs 2,600,000,000. A large quantity of beans and posho (maize meal) were either not received into the stores or stolen thereafter. In all, there were about 400 bags of beans and 5,000 bags of posho stolen.” Source: Facts & Figures on Frauds, Corruption and Mismanagement – Published by the Inspector of Government & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (1999)

“M/S Rwampy Supplies of Box 778 Kabale was contracted by Mbarara District Administration to supply foodstuffs and firewood to Jaja Hospital during 1994/95 financial year. In one case which was discovered during investigations, the company supplied foodstuff and firewood to the hospital in 1994. The delivery note was duly signed by the Store Keeper and the items taken on charge.
The payment voucher was then raised at the hospital, duly endorsed and supported. It was then given to the supplier to deliver it to the Chief Executive Secretary for payment. Payment was made on 17/2/1995 by cheque No. 207507 for shs 5,213,360. For unknown reasons, the payment voucher was not certified by the Chief Executive Officer and the Local Purchase Order which had been attached was missing. Later on, the same supplier went back to the Medical Superintendent with a different story. He said that he was not paid because the procedure of sending the payment voucher to the District Executive Secretary was not followed. The Medical Superintendent without first confirming with the District executive Secretary prepared a fresh set of documents for the same delivery already paid. He ordered his juniors to sign them. When they were ready, he took them himself to the District Medical Officer who processed payment and the second payment was effected on 31/3.1995 by cheque No. 269121 for shs 5,213,360.”

Greenland Bank taking over full control of Uganda Commercial Bank; Hon. Rukikaire disputed the fact (the reason why he later lost his cabinet post).
Source: “Outlook - A Privatisation Unit Publication of June 1998
Westmont Owns 49% shares in UCBL
Hon. Matthew Rukikaire, then Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Privatisation), reiterated that 49% shares in Uganda Commercial Bank Limited (UCBL) were bought by, and are in full possession of, Westmont Land Asia Berhad and not any other entity.
Hon. Rukikaire was responding to a New Vision story that Greenland had taken over full control of UCBL and that Westmont had 51% shares in UCBL which it had assigned to Greenland Investments.
Hon. Rukikaire also observed that no Divestiture Account funds were used by Westmont when buying UCB as has been suggested in some quarters. He said such a scenario would not occur as the rules on the utilization of divestiture funds clearly do not allow it. He explained that by the evidence sought, and in possession of Government, Westmont remitted the funds used in the transaction to Citibank of New York through American Express, Bankers’ Trust and Unibank of Copenhagen. Citibank then transferred the funds to the Divestiture account.
“it is not true that Greenland Investments has taken control of Uganda Commercial Bank,” said Hon. Rukikaire. Government executed agreements of the sale of 49% shares in UCBL to Westmont on 27th October 1997.”
Hon. Rukikaire noted that Westmont completed compliance with the conditions of payment in March 1998 after which they were allowed to assume management of the bank. He further explained that the sale agreements provide, among other things, that Westmont shall not transfer any of its shares without the consent of Government, which consent can only be given by the Minister of Finance with the approval of the Divestiture and Reform Implementation Committee (DRIC). Hon. Rukikaire pointed out that the management contract appoints Westmont for a period of three years and this appointment cannot be varied without Governments’ consent.
“It is clear that Westmont is not in a position to sell or assign any of the shares they presently hold nor cede control of the bank to Greenland Investments or any other interested party,” emphasized Hon. Rukikaire. “Any contract by which Westmont assigns shares to Greenland Investments would be unenforceable and inconsistent with the terms of UCBL sale agreements.” Hon. Rukikaire revealed that Westmonts’s nominees to the Board of UCBL are Mr. Joseph Chong Chek Ah, Dr. Muhammad Ghazali Bin Shafie and Hung Beng Guan (all Malaysian nationals) and Mr. P. Sebalu of Sebalu and Lule Advocates.
The management staff nominated by Westmont, pursuant to the management contract; and approved by Bank of Uganda were: Vijay Anandan (Chief Executive), Chris Chan Kwai Weng (General Manager, Financial Services), Yuen Siew Kien and Cheng Liang Haw (responsible for management information systems) and two Nigerian nationals responsible for credit and branch banking.
This arrangement is contrary to allegations that Westmont has assigned its shares to Greenland Investments, said Hon. Rukikaire. Westmont has acquired only 49% shares in UCBL, with Government retaining a majority shareholding of 51%.

I. “Commodity prices rose and more than doubled between July and December 2006 overshooting the target of 5% per annum, the Parliamentary Committee on the National Economy said. The Chairperson of the Committee, Hon. Ibrahim Kaddunabbi (Butambala, NRM), who presented the report to parliament on March 13, 2007 said that the increase in prices was wide spread across all consumer groups including food, beverages, tobacco, clothing, footwear, rent fuel and utilities. He said that the price increase was attributed to shortages in the goods and services leading to excess demand pressures. The report highlighted the key economic issues that affected the economy during the 1st six months of 2006/07. “The position in people’s pockets is clear from the report. Ugandans deserve sympathy given their circumstances. This calls for a Government with a sympathetic heart.
II. Uganda is an agricultural country and the way to maximize from agriculture is to invest in agro – processing industrialization.
III. Government has to realize that creating a conducive environment for business is not enough, in this respect Government has to put in money to ensure this industrialization a reality.
IV. Attract investors into agro – processing more so after making favourable the various factors which make such investments unattractive to prospect investors. “Getting an investor who encourages the people to grow produce which he is ready such investor is ready to buy. In dangala village, Adekokwa Sub – county, Lira District, there is Mukwano group of Companies. This company invested in some parts of Lango region and Sunflower is grown in Dangala. Community members who are engaged in growing Sunflower have improved in their livelihoods and a number of them are enjoying better living.” This model should be used countrywide where locals can cultivate their land to grow what an investor can readily buy from them.
V. Put the right manpower into research for markets for agro processed products in export markets.

However, it is important to note the following observations regarding gainful agricultural undertaking in Uganda since it is supposed to be the engine of growth:
In Uganda more than 75% or about 19million hectares of land is available for cultivation and pasture. Overall, agriculture accounts for around 40% of GDP and 90% of export earnings (mostly commodity based). However:
a. Majority of agricultural land is (still) not irrigated;
b. Yields are consistently too low;
c. Down – stream food processing is very modest in scale, and
d. The country is a net importer of value added products from neighbouring countries.
Uganda has an underdeveloped food chain and little or no food processing capacity and relies on exporting fresh produce.

Some of the constraints to Agricultural Development in Uganda are:
1) Continued high input costs;
2) Poor transport infrastructure within the rural hinterland ;
3) Lack of consistent energy supply with frequent power cuts;
4) Uncompetitive interest rates, limited funding and poor financial infrastructure to encourage and underpin private sector investment in value - added food production;
5) Capacity utilization remains very low;
6) Low productivity;
7) High (post harvest) wastage;
8) Inconsistent quality (due to lack of monitoring and policing food standards);
9) Continued (over) reliance on donor funding;
10) Low per capita GDP, hence an inadequate domestic market to encourage supplementary export activity in value added sub sectors.

Uganda’s Competitive Advantages
I. Traditional Agriculture is an ‘extensive’ natural operation free of pollutants;
II. Minimal use of fertilizers and pesticides and providing a natural farming environment;
III. Variety of novel fruits – pineapples, mangoes, bananas, peppers, spices, okra;
IV. Agriculture recognized as engine of economic growth;

Essentials of Export Infrastructure
The following are some of the constraints to further development of agri-exports from Uganda to which solutions have to be got:
Lack of consistent water supply and very limited irrigation
Post Harvest
a. Lack of grading and packaging facilities – on farm and centralized regional consolidation facilities;
b. Limited or non – existent traceability systems;
c. Lack of chilled storage throughout the country;
d. Lack of modern, durable packaging materials – an expensive imported input cost;
e. Lack of large refrigeration transport.
There are too many middlemen and lack of coordinated supply networks.
The above are significant gaps in the country’s farm and food infrastructures which have to be addressed to avoid continued constraining of food exports. However, it is clear that one significant aspect of the agriculture infrastructure is now clearly recognized as the issue that must be addressed if Uganda is to have any meaningful success in the export market – “Quality in the food chain.”
It is clearly understood by the export minded entrepreneurial farmers that quality and the need for traceability is an imperative and has to reflect internationally recognized standards. There is need for emphasis on healthy and safe production methods as ‘the selling proposition.’

The above will require that all production is accredited to international standards and that the sector has in place all the following:
1. In line management responsibility;
2. Accredited quality systems;
3. Contract and sub – contract due diligence procedures;
4. Clear and traceable quality systems and related document controls
5. Total quality management in all aspects of cultivation, processing and distribution;
6. Rigorous inspection and monitoring systems.
The major observation is that although the quality issue is and in some cases has been recognized, there remains a critical lack of technical infrastructure throughout Uganda , especially in terms of physical infrastructure, the availability of relevant technical skills and services and, a lack of internationally approved services and technical providers.


I. It is not news that increasing the export base and value of these exports is crucial in boosting the export revenue.
II. Need to get technical manpower to help boost strategies for increased exports.
III. Get a variety of other products which have traditionally not been for export including crafts, herbal medicine to mention a few. According to statistics published about 10 years ago, “The sale of drugs based on traditional medicines alone amounted to over US$ 32bn, a year! Why can’t Uganda benefit from 0.5% of this trade? This is an area to immediately exploit.
IV. Do you know that Moringa Oil is one of the best vegetable oils to use? How come Uganda is not exploiting this opportunity to extra the oil and sell in international markets?

Railways & Air transport
Some reasons why our exports are not competitive
The railway network currently handles between 30% to 40% of the country’s bulk cargo to and from the ports of Mombasa and Dar-es-salaam. High costs of rail freight and long delays at the port in Mombasa significantly disadvantage Uganda ’s export competitiveness for high weight, low value products. Currently, cargo from Mombasa port takes more than a month to reach Kampala by railway due to poor railway networks. On the other hand, cargo from the same port takes about a week by road but it is costly and traders have to invest in many road trucks to transport goods that would have otherwise been carried by a rail wagon that has more capacity.
The cost of air – freighting flowers and fresh fish chartered aircraft was nearly one – third of the sale of these two commodities in overseas markets. One reason for the high airfreight costs in Uganda is the high cost of aviation fuel in the country (air transport is very fuel intensive). Some Ugandan Fish Processors resort to transporting fish by road from Kampala to Nairobi to beat the high freight charges out of Entebbe since freight charges for fish from Entebbe to European market peak at $2.2 per kg compared with an average of $1.6 per kg from Nairobi . More cargo flights out of Nairobi have pushed freight charges to as low as $1.30 per kg of fish to European markets; so processors who ferry their exports by road to Nairobi can save from 0.45 to 0.53 US dollars per kilo translating into an outright saving of $4,500 - $5,300 for every 10 tonnes exported.
Reduction in air freight costs would certainly contribute to the competitiveness of flowers and fish in the European markets.

Trade Imbalance
Uganda operates a huge trade imbalance. The value of its imports is often more than twice the value of exports. This has been has been exacerbated by the fall in the Coffee prices and increase in the price of oil. Foreign investment remains constrained by the overall perception about political and macro economic stability, infrastructure especially the cost of transport, utilities and access to land, and inefficient administrative structures.
The Government proposed will touch all these constraints and fine tune them for the sake of creating a competitive situation for our exports.

I. Environment is often disobeyed and assaulted in the name of economic development. The truth that environment itself must be developed is either ignored or not known. Yet without environment there can be no real development. Talk of stability or security will be just a myth, so will be talk of respect for human rights or democracy.
II. Those who are lucky to occupy positions of leadership must know that it is in their interest to respect the environment. If there is no environmental security, there will be perturbations all the time in the social and economic dimensions of development. Anarchy and chaos will be a constant aspect of life. No amount of spending fortunes on military security in the hope that there will be national security will save the rulers or leaders from being the ultimate victims of their own actions against the environment.
III. It is a big disappointment that those who are well educated and have got financial resources have ended up big sinners in the environment degradation.
IV. Reclaiming of swamps must be fought.
V. Local efforts to see that forest trees are planted must be a reality throughout the country.
VI. Gazetted forest areas must remain so
VII. Soil erosion should be checked not only at garden level but also elsewhere countrywide.
VIII. Encroachment on swamps and forests must be prosecuted.
IX. Promoting renewable energy is in line with the Kyoto Agreement and will set our country in good stead for an environmentally sensible, as well as self – sufficient future.
X. Developing renewable sources of energy including bio-fuels, solar development are critical in fighting environment degradation. The Jatropha plant is readily available in Uganda (that plant which was greatly on demand during the Vanilla boom as it was used in supporting Vanilla).
XI. Promotion of Light Emitting Diodes (LED): For the poor families, the significantly high expenditures on Kerosene (Paraffin) and wax candles for meeting their night lighting needs affects their ability to pay for other day to day necessities, such as children’s education, family health care and nutrition. Fuel based lighting also produces Greenhouse gases (GHGs), leads to increased indoor air pollution and associated health risks, inhibits productivity and jeopardizes human safety. A Kerosene lantern used for 4 hours per day is estimated to release more than 100kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere over the course of a year. Our people can neither afford to wait for electrification access rates to rise to the level of other regions which are better off, nor continue relying on expensive, inefficient, and unsafe fuel – based products to meet their lighting needs. The way forward therefore is the promotion of Light – Emitting Diodes (LED) which use modern lighting technologies, and it is true that people can be given these diodes and they pay in installments, more over this may cost about shs 60,000 and the beneficiary can use it for quite a long time and forget about paying for Kerosene (paraffin) and other inefficient substitutes.
XII. It is important to note that lack of income also induces degradation to provide lighting.

I. A lot of pressure has been put on land in the centre of the country because of lack of balanced growth strategies throughout the country.
II. Realizing regional potential which may be on both natural resources exploitation and agriculture are possible strategies to boost regional potential.
III. Investments in other undertakings as identified by the region can go a long way in attracting people around those investments instead of having them migrate to other areas for employment opportunities.
IV. The tourism industry has a lot of potential of growth and hence generating revenue to the country, and when strategies are put in place to boost tourist potential in each region of Uganda , it will be no miracle, but a reality that the country will gun a lot of dollars from this avenue.

I. The Budget Speech read on June 15, 2000; I quote: “Government is considering including Secondary and Vocational Education under the Poverty Action Fund within the constraint of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework so as to address adequately the needs of these two sub – sectors. By 2002/03, we expect to have established 850 Community Polytechnics as a strategy for promoting technical and Vocational Education and training. In 2000/01, I have provided shs 1.4bn for the establishment of the first 40 centres.” The question: Were the 40 centres put up anyway?
II. Youth have employment problems; needs and aspirations to fulfill; access to resources (like land and capital). To help youth develop their physical, mental, social and spiritual capacities so that they can grow to full maturity as independent individuals and productive members of society; empowering them to become leaders of character, vision and action in their communities by challenging their creativity and equipping them with practical, confidence – building and marketing skills.
III. Schools are emphasizing academics; time is now to ensure that children leave school with some skills which are employable.
IV. Schools should have gardens where the children can practice scientific gardening.
V. Poultry. Cattle and goat management as well as fish farming where possible should be undertaken.
VI. Vocational training including carpentry should gradually take off in schools.
VII. Art and craft are areas which are neglected in most of our schools
VIII. Computer appreciation and learning of basic packages should take off in primary schools not forgetting Internet appreciation.
IX. After primary school, appropriate vocational training should be implemented including technical drawing, foods and nutrition, art and crafts at more advanced level.

Vocational Training and Technical Education Strategy
1) The current challenge facing the Sub – sector is how to meet the needs of the formal sector of the labour market and at the same time provide an adequate background training for a wide range of potential entrepreneurs who will enter the informal sector in an as cost effective manner as possible. At the same time the sub – sector has to meet the challenges posed by a rapidly changing technological environment that requires continual and consistent technological and professional upgrading.
The primary goal of the sub – sector is to ensure that the formal and informal labour market requirements are met in a cost effective and flexible manner, the system being able to respond to the client/stakeholder requirements swiftly and efficiently.
Uganda needs to invest in skills development to meet her immediate and long term labour demands.
Expand the number of vocational and technical institutes and centers, and set up the major institutes and centres proximate to the industrial areas, whereby they should include centers for serving and meeting the needs of the nearby areas.
2) Develop and modernize the existing institutes and centers and increase their absorption capacities to meet the current and future needs of the labour market quantitatively and qualitatively.
3) Set up incentives to motivate male and female students to enroll in vocational and technical fields, especially the children coming from poor families, the poverty pockets and the remote districts and to address some of the social causes which hinder the enthusiasm for vocational training and technical education.
4) Prepare flexible financial regulations to enable the vocational and technical training institutes and centres to take advantage of any income they can generate towards self – advancement.
5) Ensure that all vocational and technical institutes get involved in generation of income to help boost their budgets.
6) Start National Vocational Qualifications with specific grades so that trainees can upgrade their vocational management skills accordingly.

Priority Programmes and Projects
1) Completion of Vocational Training Centres – Rehabilitate centers and equip them. Set up new specialized fields taking into consideration specialty of women. Improve curricula and upgrade staff to have qualified technical staff that can meet the needs of the labour market and the requirements of development.
2) Set up vocational and technical training centre institutes – Construct and equip centers and institutes for vocational training to meet the market for qualified technical staff.
3) Establish hand craft institutes and centres

Chronic Poverty among the Elderly in Uganda: Perceptions, experiences & Policy issues in Uganda; by Innocent Najjumba - Mulindwa:
Gives an insight into the problems of the elderly in Uganda.
According to research conducted by Brany Fred Lukwago, the product researcher and development at the Uganda Industrial Research Institute, 33.3% of the elderly in Uganda are malnourished. The research shows there were about three million elderly people in 2002 and this was expected to double by 2010. The research under the theme, Nutritional Status and Fractional Ability of the elderly aged 60-90 years, cited poverty and lack of mobility to do daily activities, and diseases like eye problems, back pain, joint pains and lack of knowledge on nutrition, as the major cause of malnutrition among the elderly. "They (elderly) don't know what to eat. And sometimes they forego meals and give food to the children under their care.
I. The New Vision, Monday, July 5, 2004, I quote, “Malnutrition among the elderly alarming – survey: More than one – fifth of elderly Ugandans are underweight, a Nutritional Survey by the Ministry of health has shown. The study says this is worrying and deserves immediate intervention. The survey suggests that the old need to feed well to avert poor health, which is directly related to food intake and as such may result into malnutritional complications. “Because of the varying diets, the elderly suffer from diseases ranging from poor eye sight (58.8%), arthritis (57.8%), bark and abdominal pain (54.5% and 39.9%), poor chewing (39.3%), fever (47.1%), and coughing (38.7%) as leading diseases,” said the report. Other notable complications include ulcers, hypertension, headache, constipation, and scabies. The study was conducted among 362 respondents aged above 50 years in Kampala and Soroti. It shows that 40% of the respondents had health related complications. The Housing and population census of 2002 showed that older persons in Uganda comprised 6.1% (about 1.5 million) of the total population and the number was growing at an annual rate of 7.4%.
II. Given the picture in one, it is clear that Uganda needs to open up homes for the elderly where people specially trained can cater for them.
III. The elderly more often than not lack company and appropriate care so it is appropriate to have them into homes for better care and nutrition as well as leisure.
IV. The homes for the elderly to be constructed in their communities through a community arrangement.

I. It is unfortunate that A Student Loan Scheme is yet to be realized in Uganda .
II. Serious mobilization to be done to get sound funding given the demand
III. There is enough work done by myself (basing on my banking knowledge and performance of similar schemes) on how the scheme can be implemented. It is only finances to be procured and it takes off.

I. There is enough evidence that the want to get Government sponsorship is highly responsible for the drive to cheat in national examinations.
II. Many of those who qualify for the Government sponsorship eventually prove incompetent or average performers in courses they offer.
III. Many beneficiaries to the government sponsorship are those from the well to do families hence those who need assistance end up disadvantaged.
IV. If Government sponsorship is scrapped and the funds instead put on the welfare of the teaching staff and facilities, it is possible to reduce the tuition being paid by students in public universities. Instead, it is possible to create avenues to help the orphaned (including benefiting from the loan scheme).

I. In this millennium, it is the nations that will be able to quickly gather process and use information in the most efficient way which will gain and sustain prosperity. The information revolution has diminished the constraints of distance in the manufacturing industry and many services, and offers new tools in the form of administrative capabilities, long distance learning, tele – medicine, the more effective management of micro – credit systems, and agricultural production, and for a variety of other applications. Hence major efforts must be undertaken to support greater acquisition and utilization of information technologies.
II. The power of information is a dynamic force for education, for promotion of freedom, democratization and broader participation by people in the decisions affecting their lives. Its great potential must be harnessed. When people have ample information on health, education, they learn to make educated and safe choices, a huge advantage in any society.
III. Developments in information technologies are revolutionizing both the global economy and enterprises around the world regardless of their size, product and geographical coverage. At the macro economic level, Information technologies are increasingly seen as instrumental in regional development and the long term prosperity of regions.
IV. There is therefore an emerging need to enhance the competitiveness of both enterprises and regions, based on new information society and the knowledge based economic powers. The competitiveness of regional economies and enterprises will, to a great extent, depend both on the conditions of utilization and on the development and application of these technologies.
V. For any enterprise to survive today and keep afloat in the current liberalized environment characterized by stiff competitive market conditions, information availability is number one pre-condition for successful business venture.
VI. Today, there is a lot of information world wide on markets, various product brands, technology, name it. It is extremely important that as our relatively young enterprises enter the market, both local and international, they do so on good information background, on markets where their products are to compete.
VII. The advantages of Information Technologies are multiplied when they are available to all. So, their take up has to be supported across society, throughout the Private and public sectors. The value of the network increases with the square of the number of participants. The biggest value is obtained when it reaches everyone, and not a part of the population.
VIII. The 1st prerequisite for the development of an information society is widespread access to the network infrastructure. This needs a truly competitive environment, which will in turn guarantee affordable prices and encourage the take – up of new innovative services. This requires a proper regulatory framework. There is need for an action plan which may target: i) Cheaper, faster and secure Internet; ii) Investing in people and skills; iii) Stimulating use of the Internet.
IX. One reason why some people are able to cheat/steal Government funds is because we are yet to fully appreciate and incorporate information technology in our undertakings, why should we have collection accounts for Government revenue in commercial banks; this is a loophole which gives some people chance to cheat/steal this money. All money when collected and balanced, at the end of the business day should be remitted to the consolidated account there and then.
X. When we better appreciate information and communication technology in our undertakings, then we shall be set on the real journey for sustainable development.
XI. We should establish ICT centres in close proximity to where people are, these should include Internet centres incorporated with library facilities and newspapers.
XII. Training in basic ICT should be at primary and secondary school level.
XIII. All Government operations to be computerized.
XIV. Part of our lagging behind is because we are yet to appreciate the use of ICT in our undertakings.


I. The Budget Speech delivered on June 15, 2000, Under Functional Adult Literacy (FAL): “Government recognizes that for farmers to be able to effectively receive, use and further disseminate extension messages, a minimum level of literacy is required. In addition, adult literacy will enhance the quality of life and build self sufficiency and confidence. Therefore, I have provided shs 1bn from the Poverty Action Fund to support the Adult Literacy Programme in 2000/01.” I am not satisfied with this position. FAL instructors work either 2 or 3 days a week, and are paid shs 30,000 a month. I am wondering where the shs 1bn would have been put, and what the impact was. An evaluation of this is called for to establish value for money if the allocation was made..
II. Ugandan women are at a substantial educational disadvantage to men. This disadvantage contributes to economic disadvantages, earlier marriages, and roles centred on fertility, despite what women themselves might prefer. The statistics:
a) 19% of women have no formal schooling versus 5% of men;
b) 34% of girls are still in school at age 18 versus 52% of boys;
c) 19% of employed women are paid in cash versus 34% of men;
d) 30% of employed women receive no payment for their work versus 13% of men.
III. Most Ugandans have experienced interpersonal violence in their lives, whether physical, sexual, or emotional. Violence can be gender – based and is commonly directed against women. Gender – based violence is an obvious violation of human rights, with serious consequences for women’s health and well being. Although both women and men experience violence in Uganda , women are likely to suffer every form of violence.
IV. According to the 2006 UDHS, 6 in 10 Ugandan women have experienced physical violence at least once since they were 15 years old. Among women, marriage appears to be a risk factor for violence. Never married women are less likely to experience physical violence. 16% of women reported having experienced physical violence during pregnancy.
V. Sexual violence is common among Ugandan women and happens much more frequently to women than men. Statistics are:
a) Almost four in ten women (39%) age 15 – 49 have ever experienced sexual violence;
b) Women in rural areas are much more likely than women in urban areas to have experienced sexual violence;
c) Sexual violence against women is most common among women who are divorced, separated, or widowed (55%), followed by women currently married or living together (43%) and never – married women (18%);
d) Overall, 44% of women who have experienced sexual violence say their current husband was responsible, while another 22% cite a former husband or partner;
e) Sexual violence often begins the first time a woman has sexual intercourse. One quarter of women age 15 – 49 (24%) say their 1st sexual intercourse was forced against their will.
VI. Almost half of the women interviewed (48%) have experienced physical violence - most often being slapped, punched, pushed, or kicked.
VII. The above is evidence enough to advocate for the teaching of literacy skills should be a right for all the illiterate as well as the teaching of ones rights as enshrined in Uganda ’s Constitution. .
VIII. Literacy skills to go hand in hand with skills in various aspects including business.
IX. All the people should be taught their rights and this will help check abuse.
X. Knowing rights is positive in boosting local economic development as people become players in matters that affect their well being.
XI. It is a fact that due to the level of literacy. Women have bigger families, they are greatly abused and many seek non professional medical services. Boosting literacy and specifically having it Functional for the women can greatly boost welfare of the Uganda population.
XII. Education is essential to human development and to gender equality. Providing more educational opportunities for young women can do much to improve the health of their families.

XIII. The Government proposed will ensure the teaching of Human rights at two different levels; namely the formal and informal. At the formal level, human rights education to be introduced into the school curriculum from primary school to secondary/tertiary schools and higher institutions of learning. At the informal level, human rights education to be extended to police; the army; local councils; civil society.
XIV. There will also be the evolution of “Good Governance School Clubs,” as additional school clubs to foster good governance among the children/students as they are prepared for the roles to be played when they take up roles as responsible citizens in their communities.
XV. The government in picture shall take on the Human Rights issues of People Living with Disability, and measures shall be put in place to ease life for them including: Accessibility; The disabling environment; poverty; Mainstreaming; Healthcare; Education; Employment; Sports; and the general protection of the rights of People with Disability. Indeed the disability slogan will be observed: “Nothing for us without us.”

I. “Human Rights and fundamental freedoms are the birth rights of all human beings and should be treated as mutually re – enforcing.” Vienna Declaration, World Conference on Human Rights, 1993.
II. The Uganda Human Rights’ Commission (UHRC) 9th Report stated that 38% of the 243 complaints referred to the Tribunal for Hearing were related to violation of the freedom from torture. At the same time, 54% of the 82 complaints which were heard and concluded by the Tribunal related to torture. Consequently, the Tribunal was able to successfully prove torture in 29 complaints, which is 66% of all the 44 torture complaints concluded by the Tribunal. For the complaints successfully proven, the Commission awarded Ug. Shs 260,541,600. Although the total amount of awards by the Commission Tribunal for all proven violations in 2006 amounted to Ug. Shs 368,081,600, the awards specifically against torture constituted 71%, amounting to Ug. Shs 260,541,600. UHRC has consistently pointed out in its annual reports the menace of torture. The Commission continues to appeal and urge Parliament to enact effective legislation specifically prohibiting acts of torture, cruel inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convection Against Torture (OPCAT) with the aim of bolstering independent monitoring of places of detention.

III. Government to ensure that individual officers, men and women who commit human rights violations are personally bought to justice; held personally liable and prosecuted. This is against the background that International Human Rights Standards as well as Article 44 of the Constitution of Uganda recognize freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman treatment or punishment as a non – derogable right, that is; there is no justification whatsoever, for violating this particular right which is their right.
IV. Given i & ii above, Government ought to ensure more Lawyers on its pay role to assist those poor clients whose rights to justice are hampered by their inability to meet the high costs to get justice, unaffordable legal charges in Uganda are major factors in restricting the enjoyment of the rights enshrined in the African Charter.
V. Uganda scored below average on the state of freedom of expression, press freedom and freedom of the media, as well as the right to information, according to the African Media Barometer 2007; Uganda ’s overall country score in 2007 was rated as 2.3 out of a maximum of 5. The Government in perspective will enhance media freedoms compatible with the freedoms as enshrined in Uganda ’s Constitution.
VI. The independence of the Judiciary is a must by the Government being advocated. It can be remembered that in a space of 16 months (November 2005 and March 2007), Uganda was left agape with shock following events at the High Court in Kampala that left the independence of the Judiciary shaken. Sections of the Executive comprising both uniformed and plain clothed security agents invaded the High Court and forcefully prevented treason suspects that had just been granted bail from gaining their freedom. The two incidents smelt of Uganda ’s past turbulent history, which was largely characterized by State excesses that culminated into outright violation of the national Constitution. True democracy demands that the three arms of the State: Executive, Parliament, and the Judiciary be independent of each other, but perform as complementary parts of the same government. Justice George Kanyeihamba said, “These are very serious matters and it seems that people don’t appreciate what is happening in this country. There is near breakdown in the rule of law and it is unthinkable that this can happen under the NRM government.” Oscar Kihika, former President of the Uganda Law Society said, “The manner in which organs of the state under the executive arm of government have defied court orders, and even gone ahead to arrest suspects that have been granted bail on court premises, is very frustrating.”
VII. I am advocating for a Government where the independence of the judiciary is critical for fair dispute resolution and arbitration; justice delivery and ultimate protection of Human Rights.
VIII. It is increasingly recognized that good governance is an essential building block for meeting the objectives of sustainable development, prosperity and peace. Good governance comprises the rule of law, effective state institutions, transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs, respect for human rights, and the meaningful participation of all citizens in the political process and in decisions affecting their lives.
IX. Government in Uganda needs to cultivate a culture of democracy – otherwise it tends to operating as a totalitarian authority; that is, a system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow people to freely oppose them, a culture of passivity and apathy. These regimes seek to mold an obedient and docile citizenry. These regimes seek to inculcate an attitude of passive acceptance.
X. Government must promote and practice the pillars of democracy which include: Sovereignty of the people; Government based upon consent of the governed; Majority rule; Minority rights; Guarantee of basic human rights; Free and fair elections; Equality before the law; Constitutional limits on Government; Social, economic and political pluralism; and values of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation and compromise.
XI. The World Bank’s Development Report, “Attacking Poverty” 2000/2001 puts great emphasis on “Insisting on the rule of law, people’s participation in the development process, transparency and accountability. The report states that, “good political and administrative institutions go hand in hand with economic growth.” The potential of economic development is quite limited if it works in a framework of social underdevelopment and official indifference. Looking at the political systems of the 49 least developed countries, it is obvious that most of these countries are “more democratic in principle than in practice.” Many of them are ruled by military or civilian authoritarian regimes which are used to giving orders than to listening to the grievances of the poor.
XII. Ugandans should graduate from the ranks where Government operatives take it as a right to abuse the rights of the people. We must develop a culture of peace and tolerance.
XIII. There is therefore the need to have a more civilized Government which respects the rights of the people but not dictating to them.
XIV. Listening to the pleas of the people. We would like to see a Government of the people by the people for the people whereby if a situation arises as of now where many sections of the population are not happy/contented with the existing Electoral Commission’s ability to deliver a free and fair election, it is simply fair to disband it, and that is the type of Government I would love Ugandans to see in place.
XV. The Government I have in picture has to avoid using the Police to diffuse people’s rights like the right to freedom to assemble and demonstrate together with others peacefully and unarmed (Article 29 (1) (d) of Uganda ’s Constitution. Abusing of police powers through refusing people to assemble and demonstrate should become part of Uganda’s history as long as the Police is duly informed about it to offer guidance and the routes to be taken or the place of assembly so as not to encroach/inconvenience other people whose rights may be violated when they suffer inconvenience due to the demonstration. Police powers to regulate and direct demonstrations must meet stipulated standards which are: Legality; Proportionality; necessity; Accountability; and before a group demonstrates, it must ensure that operates within the Guidelines for Public demonstrations and processions in Uganda; and in case some unfairness is sighted, the matter to be raised for the attention of relevant authority so that the Government is seen to offer a conducive environment to prospect demonstrators within the confines of the law.
XVI. An instance where a Councilor sterned council on exposing the rot in the District is what is needed in ensuring that people’s representatives come out openly to advocate for accountability. This was reported in The Other Voice of October 5, 2003 – Under Corruption hurts us all: Peter Nyanzi reported that, “Drama ensued during a meeting when a Councilor revealed that the Ministry of Finance had suspended money for Schools Facilitation Grant (SFG) for the Month of August 2003, citing several incidences of shoddy work. This followed trumpet blowing from the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the district chairman Mr. Ian Kyeyune praising Wakiso district Administration for best performance. The Councilor had accessed this information from his own sources which gave him the confidence to hold his leaders accountable. The meeting took place at the beginning of October, 2003. The Councilor quickly circulated copies of document signed by the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Finance to the effect that there would be zero funds for Wakiso in August 2003 because of a “provision of two stance - latrines, inconsistent with the SFG design of five - stance latrines” for schools. The area Member of Parliament, who was also present at the meeting, was as stunned as the Councilors and other civil society members. In a heated debate that ensued the Chairperson and CAO were all criticized for keeping this to themselves. Perhaps if their hands were clean, there would be no need for keeping this piece of information to themselves ”
XVII. The Government I have in picture has the challenge to put in place clear workable refugee policy. People are complaining about “the current governments’ “Open Door Policy” the refugees.
XVIII. There is concern about prisoners whose trial is so much delayed yet it is their right to have speedy trial for justice to be seen done, for these are not guilty until proven beyond reasonable doubt by the courts of law and then sentenced accordingly. Manpower should cease being the excuse.
XIX. It is also a violation of rights to see a pensioner move day in and day out to the Ministry of public service trying to see whether his/her pay cheque is ready. This is injustice for which appropriate remedy should be sought as some pensioners’ actual die before realizing their dues.
XX. Given the congested nature of our prisons, it is unfortunate to have these as death sentences for the prisoners who go there. The way forward is to come up with appropriate strategy where some of the Prison services can be privatized to cater for the better off who may be kept in comfortable custody at their own cost (meeting the expenses as if were in a hotel).
XXI. The legality of security organizations in place should be clearly spelt out and the distinctiveness of their roles to avoid conflict, and there should be assurance to the people that safe houses are a matter of history.
XXII. The revision of the constitution to return the Presidential term limits; and also cut on the Presidential powers and ensure that the Constitution clearly empowers the government organs to operate without the external influence of State House and the business of by-passing the rightful organs to seek State House intervention or reversal of lawful orders should be clearly declared unconstitutional.

I. It is not news that Ugandans need to boost their savings and hence investment culture. This will be easier more so when the Virtual Clearing House takes shape.
II. More education to avoid waste where people earn but spend instead of saving.

I. Many in the business undertakings have time and again told tells of unfavourable business climate due to high taxes in place among other factors.
II. It is against this that many Invoices provided to Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) by importers are manufactured in Kampala . If one ventures to import similar goods; he would not make a sale given the price.

III. It is therefore a matter of priority to overhaul the taxation structure to ensure that local businesses can be competitive and don’t have to cut corners.
IV. Tax on Fuel to be reduced as it greatly contributes to high production costs and uncompetitive ness of locally produced products in the local and foreign markets.
V. With the evolution of the east African Community, tax regimes must be seriously revisited if our people are not to have a raw deal.
VI. The payment of ledger fees as a compulsory deposit on each deposit slip as students pay school dues must be stopped. It is the owner of a bank account who has to be charged ledger fees on the operation of the account in the bank. It defeats understanding to see school accounts having a mandatory additional shs 2,000 as ledger fee per deposit made. This is criminal. A bank cannot charge shs 2,000 merely on one deposit on a school account. It surprises that authorities have not bothered this development for the years’ it has existed.
VII. An excerpt from an address to the UN Economic Commission for Africa by James Wolfensohn, then World Bank President in Addis Ababa, January 27, 1998, “out of $300bn in total foreign private capital flows, sub – Saharan Africa received about $12bn. And of that, only $2.6bn to the size and potential of this continent. Africa needs to set itself up to attract private investment and that means a clean regulatory environment; it means a judicial system that works; it means property rights, corporate law, predictability in taxes. In relation to governments, it means capacity building, healthcare and the infrastructure necessary to go along with it. And it means corruption must be stamped out. Without these, private investors simply will not invest.” We are challenged by this statement, and given chance, all must be done to fight the negatives mentioned for the sake of attracting ‘serious’ foreign direct investors to Uganda.


I. It is not clear why there is need to pay tax on government undertakings nor the logic, hence the need to see the practice stopped.

I am advocating for a Government to which the people can bank and actually have trust in. Below is a small story to reflect on an unhealthy development which I swear not to see happen given opportunity to get to Government:

There were once two intimate friends. One was called Omwanda and the other was Amakum. One day Omwanda, bearing in mind that a friend in need is a friend indeed, went to his friend Amakum to ask for help. I beg you to lend me a “small animal – a small goat; for I‘ve to pay a debt. When heavens blesses me, I will certainly pay it back.” “Oh my friend Omwanda there is nothing difficult in what you have suggested to me. You know my friend, problems are for everybody to face. Now I shall lend you the animal which you should replace shortly because I too have some pressing need which I need to solve,” said Amakum. He then rushed and came out, pulling a big he – goat. Omwanda was very pleased and had that inward feeling of paying back the debt immediately.

“But despite reminders, two years passed without Omwanda paying back the debt. I really hate stubborn debtors who know about the debts and yet won’t pay,” Amakum said to himself.

Very early, Amakum appeared at Omwanda’s home to ask for his goat. Because of shock, Omwanda’s heart lept high. He didn’t have any animal to pay back. “My friend, I have come for the thing I gave to you. Today I am not ready to go back with promises,” Amakum said. Omwanda humbly explained that, “my dear friend, just be patient with me for today, I promise to bring it tomorrow evening.”

Because of his friendly feelings, he accepted to return; but Omwanda was not sure of how and where to get the he – goat from. Instead, he decided to go hunting by making a trap along where the hyena’s pass which he was happy to carry to his house. As soon as he reached home, he met his son at the gate who asked: “Daddy your he – goat looks like a hyena.” Omwanda explained to him that the animal was actually a hyena and he was taking it to Amakum’s home to pay for the he – goat. “But my dear son, we must take it at night so that they don’t discover the truth. You better come and join me so that it becomes easy to deceive him. While I converse with him; you will be busy tying the hyena in the midst of the goats.

They set off to Amakum’s home and knocked saying, “my friend Amakum, please open the door. I am your friend Omwanda. I’ve brought something to pay the long awaited debt.” When Amakum opened the door, Omwanda rushed inside the house and sat at the far end of the house while his son tied the hyena. Amakum ofcourse thanked his friend for paying back.

Hyena’s and goats are naturally enemies, so as soon as they left the house, obviously, the hyena started eating the goats. By the time Amakum rose to check and find out what the problem was, he found that it was a hyena that was standing there with its teath barely out. Amakum felt extremely dismayed, cursed Omwanda and declared their friendship ended immediately. From that day Amakum decided never to lend anybody!

I see myself as one person who can offer himself as an Independent candidate for the sake of forging national Unity and Reconciliation where all ideas would be welcome.
I am very serious and therefore kindly appeal for support to get moving. My strategy is among other things to use Information and Communication Technology.
Those who have been through Makerere University have known about Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPRISPA) which has been in existence since 2001. Because of my efforts, fees remained unchanged till 2009 when our pleas failed as the University is badly in debt and private students were seen as the avenue to raise the funds.
Additional evidence of contribution towards the evolution of an educational loan scheme in Uganda
1) The Monitor of May 21, 2001 published an article: parents to lobby for Private Students’ Loan written by Okoth Leah, Part of the article: Kampala - Makerere Private Parents’ Association (MUPPA) scheme shall lobby government to establish a student loan. This will help finance the students who may have fees constraints or deficits, Interim Coordinator MUPPA Willy Kituuka told the Monitor yesterday at St. Augustine in Makerere. We will negotiate with Makerere University administration so that the welfare of private Students in improved, Kituuka said, adding that private students study under unfavourable conditions yet pay so much.
2) I) A letter to His Excellency the President: “The Students’ Loan Scheme at Makerere University and parents’ involvement – 9th July, 2001.
ii) Attachment; “The feasibility of a Student Loan Scheme at Makerere University.”
3) The Educational Loan Scheme - letter to Hon. Khidhu Makubuya (Dr) Minister of education and Sports: Dated 24th February 2003.
4) A Press Release – “The Educational Loan Scheme yet to be implemented.” Dated September 22, 2003.
5) The Ideal Educational Loan – The Monitor – January 2004.
6) Contribution to the Sustainability of the Educational Loan Scheme - To the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education & Sports dated 21st June 2002.

I have been an advocate for the Students' Loan Scheme since 2001; and actually have work to the effect, evidence at Minisrty of Education and Sports. Unfortunately, up to now, the scheme has not taken off! I wrote an Open Letter to the Electoral Commission requesting that the Voters’ Register be put on line. It is fortunate that the Register can be accessed on: The Letter:
Why doesn't the Electoral Commission put the Voters' Register on its website?
Thursday, December 17, 2009 6:55 AM
For the Attention of Nawe Molly Kamukama
Head Voter Education & Training
Uganda Electoral Commission

There is no reason why the Voters’ Register is not readily available on the website of the Electoral Commission. There is no easier way to deal with ghosts in the register and any possible anomalies as it would be if the names of all registered voters were readily available on the electoral commission website. I am sure there is no law that will be broken if the commission puts these names on their site. We are all looking for a better future; the staff of the electoral commission on being party to any anomalies that can lead to instability will also be affected by the outcome of such a situation.”

What the Opposition has to do is to ensure that people go through to establish the ghosts. I have seen at least two people in one Internet café seriously going through the register. I think the innovation is commendable.

My writings are self explanatory; I have always offered another view to Government positions in news papers and other fora.
Some of my works are accessible on:
Commonwealth Rebirth newsletter 2007

Dear Sirs,


Need funds are to be spent on among other things the following:

1. Purchase of a 4 wheel drive vehicle to facilitate travel country wide in collecting the required signatures around the various districts of Uganda .
2. Purchase of fuel for vehicle.
3. Repairs and maintenance costs of the vehicle.
4. Running adverts both in the print and electronic media.
5. Printing out literature for distribution.
6. Printing Posters to be distributed countrywide.
7. Printing the manifesto copies for distribution after nomination.
8. Paying allowances to helpers.
9. Rent for office space countrywide.
10. Paying for mobile phone airtime.
11. Paying for accommodation.
12. Purchase some computers, a printer and UPS.
13. Purchase a Public Address system and a generator.
14. Paying for airtime for talk shows

Given strategies that will utilize Information and Communication Technology, I am quite sure that I will be able to reach the people and have them appreciate the strategy I have to see them a happy and prosperous people in a Country Gifted by nature in the name of Uganda.

I thank you.

Yours faithfully,

William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Uganda for God

“We cannot glorify death, whether in the battlefield or otherwise. We, on the other hand, must celebrate life, and are fiercely committed to protecting and securing the sanctity of life, which is the fundamental value without which all other rights and freedoms become meaningless.”

Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam’s last address to the Sri – Lankan Parliament on 15th June 1999

(He was brutally assassinated on 29th July, 1999)



1) What is the position of the Non – Performing Assets Recovery Trust (NPART) given the amount sank into the capitalization of Uganda Commercial Bank? Quoting from the Budget Speech delivered on June 15, 1996, “Significant progress was made in the area of financial sector reforms in 1995/6. The Non – Performing Assets Recovery Trust (NPART) for Uganda Commercial Bank commenced operations during the financial year. A total of 1885 non – performing loans amounting to Ushs 66.9bn were transferred to NPART by end of April 1996. This includes the 100 largest loans amounting to Ushs 32bn. As of May 15. 1996, NPART had made collections amounting to Ushs 2.3bn and hence advertised several properties for sale.
2) The Budget Speech read on June 12, 1997 by the then Minister of Finance Hon. Mayanja Nkangi disclosed the position of Uganda Commercial Bank. However, it is clear that the people of Uganda need a proper balance sheet of this bank. The Minister said, “The major outstanding privatization is that of the Uganda Commercial Bank (UCB). At the beginning of this fiscal year UCB had a negative network of over shs 100bn. In order to bring UCB back into solvency the Government this year has injected capital of shs 72bn and waived repayment of shs 26bn of Government lending to UCB.
3) What is the picture regarding the Parastatals which were privatized? “The budget read on June 15, 1996 I quote: “The privatization process has proceeded as scheduled and in many cases exceed targets. Key industries such as Hima, Tororo cement and, very shortly, NYTIL – Jinja are in production under new ownership and management. During FY 1995/96, 17 public enterprises and subsidiary units were divested giving total gross proceeds of Ushs 39.43bn, culminating to 42 public enterprises and subsidiary units with total gross proceeds of Ushs 131bn to-date.”
4) The Budget Speech, 15 June 1995, under Road Toll: “With effect from midnight tonight, the road tolls on Masaka and Jinja roads are being abolished. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to stress that all road tolls are now illegal.” Why is it that road tolls managed by Local Government still exist?
5) The Budget Speech for Financial Year 2006/07, I quote, “Mr. Speaker Sir, Government will complete and begin implementation of the National Industrialization Policy. The Namanve Industrial Park and other spatial schemes have been prioritized for completion. Government has allocated shs 5bn for the development of the pack and a credit of US$30m has been obtained from the World Bank for its completion. The amount involved is substantial; it is not clear whether this value is reflected on what is on ground now.
6) The Government is believed to have put not less than shs 12bn into the Entandikwa credit scheme. How could this scheme whose interest rate was 12% have died a natural death?
7) Why does President Museveni keep his words hence change positions? When a leader keeps shifting positions, it becomes a moral question.
1) Why Museveni could not quit at 55 years
The Monitor Saturday, December 23, 2000 reported Ofwono – Opondo’s article in response to the Monitor, July 21, 1995 in which an article: “Museveni to Quit at 55 years,” was carried.
Opondo said, “It is important to note that President Museveni has repeatedly expressed his wish to retire from National Leadership once there is political stability in the country. Secondly, Museveni could have made the remarks in light of the then prevailing 1967 Constitution and the debates in the Constituent Assembly at that time. At the time of Museveni’s alleged promise to quit, the new Constitution was not yet in place. Today (December 2000) Museveni is seeking re – election for his last term under a known and clear Constitutional framework. Opondo further said, “Political leadership especially at the Presidency was not a fashion show that is changed merely because it has stayed on stage for sometime. Serious and committed leaders acquire and retain power for specific national objectives which they are duty bound to accomplish or at least consolidate in their life time.”
2) President and tenure in office: Museveni – When I step down from Presidency
The East African of March 22 – 28, 1999 reported in an interview that President Museveni had for the 1st time put a timeframe to his departure from the leadership of Uganda – he hoped to retire at 61, which by then was 7 years ahead. The President said he planned to retire when he was still “young and reasonable.” “I ‘m now 54, with two years to finish this term. If I get another term of 5 years, I’ll be 61 at the end of it. That would be good time to go and look after my cow.”
The President was asked whether Uganda can sustain the costs of the conflicts it was involved in – the President said, “We operate cheaply. We are not Europeans and we don’t eat chocolates. Arms are not all that costly. What is expensive is transport, fuel. You can support a soldier on $150 a month. Salary and food for say 20,000 soldiers comes to about $3million. Given what is at stake, that is not such a large amount of money.
Asked about whether he would seek re – election – President Museveni answered, “Uganda’s Constitution says that a President can only have two consecutive terms. If I were to seek re – election it would only be for one more term.”
3) Yoweri Kaguta Museveni: 2001 Election Manifesto – Consolidating the Achievements of the Movement
Under President Museveni’s leadership, the Movement system of Governance has helped Uganda reverse the effects of more that two decades of Political turmoil. The country has achieved unity, peace, stability and economic growth. The Movement system means pluralism - in – unity, in other words, pluralism without factionalism. If there is political harmony for long enough, based on all – inclusive national organizational structures, democracy will be achieved without the risk of unhealthy polarizations. This will give the country time to develop a healthy foundation for multi – partyism in the future. When President Museveni completes his second and final term as directly elected President, the Movement, under his leadership, will, for the 1st time in history of our country, have created a legacy of an orderly leadership succession.
Page 11 of the 2001 Election Manifesto:
I am once again offering myself to serve the people of Uganda because of my conviction that, together with you, we still have a mission to accomplish. I am taking on the challenge of contesting for a last Presidential term for the following reasons:
a. Consolidating the work of building a professional army;
b. Consolidating our gains in the economy, in infrastructure reconstruction and development;
c. Consolidating our gains in democratization and putting in place mechanisms for an orderly leadership succession; and
d. Making a contribution to the process of creating a vibrant regional market and penetrating the global market under the World Trade Organisation.
THE Government gave the Jinja national oil reserve to TAMOIL, a Libyan oil company. The Cabinet directed the energy ministry to hand over the country’s only reserves in a letter of January 7, 2009. The decision comes at a time when the Government has unveiled plans to construct a 150 million-litre capacity fuel depot in Kampala to deal with emergencies. TAMOIL is constructing the Kampala Oil Products Terminal as well as the $250m (sh425b) Eldoret-Kampala oil pipeline extension project. According to documents, the 30 million-litre oil facility will be integrated into the pipeline project.
Energy state minister Simon D’Ujanga said the tanks would be part of the pipeline and as such, would automatically be managed by TAMOIL. “In the past it was a strategic fuel reserve, but we are now turning it into an operational fuel reserve,” D’Ujanga said. “Initially we wanted a pipeline, but later we said it will be better if it has an operational capacity along the way.”

However, the contract was not advertised as required by the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) Act and as such it can be challenged. The Act prohibits sole sourcing of a public asset, service or goods except in an emergency where the waiver is granted by the procurement authority. Consequently, the energy ministry wrote to the PPDA on January 30, 2009, seeking permission to go ahead with the deal. Acting permanent secretary Eng. Paul Mubiru said in a letter since the Cabinet had already decided to hand over the tanks to TAMOIL, it had to implement the directive. He said TAMOIL had the skills and experience in fuel supply and depot operation and had already produced the design for up-grading the facility. “The cost of repair and restocking will be met by TAMOIL,” he said.

However, documents show that PPDA wrote back to the ministry last month, saying the issue was outside its mandate. The PPDA said the matter was being handled by a Joint Coordinating Commission (JCC) formed by Kenya and Uganda to manage the pipeline project. “Any contracting arrangements in respect of the Jinja Storage Tanks and Tamoil are the responsibility of the JCC,” acting PPDA boss Cornelia Sabiiti said in the letter. He instead referred the ministry to the Solicitor General for legal advice. Earlier, the Solicitor General had said that the JCC was acting on behalf of Kenya and Uganda and so its decisions overrode the PPDA Act. Under the current arrangement, TAMOIL will build the pipeline, own 51% of it, form a joint venture company with the Ugandan and Kenyan governments to operate it for 20 years before surrendering ownership to them. Uganda started building the oil reserves in Jinja, Nakasongola, Gulu and Kasese in the 1970s. However, only the Jinja one was built with a capacity of 30 million litres. The facility needed sh31.23b to refurbish and restock. The Government said it did not have the money and so gave the deal to TAMOIL. The energy ministry has been struggling to raise the sh50b needed to restock the reserves with at least 20 million litres of diesel and 10 million litres of petrol. At least sh79m was needed to repair the hose pipes, sh74.7m for the depot repair and sh82m to transport three million litres of kerosene from Jinja depot to Kampala. The Government sold 11.5 million litres in 2002 and realised over $37m (sh64.7b) which it used to buy fire fighting equipment for the reserves. The first attempt to restock the oil reserves was cancelled by the PPDA because the energy ministry contravened procurement rules in awarding the contract to Kenlyod Logistics. The project was re-tendered and awarded to GAPCO and MOGAS oil companies. The companies, however, did not sign contracts because the ministry lacked money. Shortly afterwards, the ministry closed down the empty depot, exposing the country to greater risk of fuel shortage. The Mombasa oil refinery is due to close for renovation in June. Uganda suffers acute oil shortages whenever there is a disruption in the supply line from Kenya. Over the last five years, the country has suffered shortages in December, January, March, April and in June. Uganda relies on oil companies whose limited facilities can hardly store fuel to last the country 10 days. Uganda consumes 2.2 million litres daily and demand grows by 7% annually. The new management is expected to renovate and increase the capacity of the existing oil reserves, buy new equipment, build three new tanks and install a computerised monitoring system. Tamoil won the right to build a $60m liquid petroleum gas storage facility in Mombasa in 2007 under a deal which caused a public outcry as the Kenya government carried out sole sourcing. The Libyan firm is also investing $300m in upgrading the Mombasa refinery, which serves the entire East Africa market with refined products. The relinquishing of the country’s only oil reserves by the Government also follows several failed attempts by energy ministry last year to restock the tanks. Political interference coupled with the refusal of Parliament to approve the sh45b requested by the energy ministry to restock the reserves bogged down the project. The Auditor General too declined to issue an Audit Warrant for the sh45b, arguing that the expenditure would have risen beyond the 3% government’s supplementary ceiling.
Fuel crisis reveals planning failure in Ugandan Energy Ministry
Below is a report in the government controlled New Vision newspaper that relies on information from Uganda’s Auditor General to reveal serious irregularities in the management of Uganda’s strategic fuel reserves. Following a crisis in Kenya, fuel run out surprisingly quickly in Uganda. Surprising that is to some. As noted on this blog- this was an accident waiting to happen and has to do with the manner in which the Ministry of Energy is run as well as the overall deemphasis on the delivery of public goods in Uganda which affects other services like roads and health care. More analysis is forthcoming here but suffice it to say that the mismanagement of public resources itself is not accidental but part of the functional turn of the wheel of the political patronage system- which emphasises private goods. The Ministry of Energy is a disaster having failed to respond to Uganda’s electricity needs, botched a dam extension project along the Nile in one of the most underreported scandals in the country’s civil service and now engaged in a controversial petroleum exploration program without any real reform in its own structure.
Uganda’s lead technocrat in the Ministry, Kabagambe Kaliisa, is a 15 year veteran of the Ministry who has been named in a corruption scandal by the government Ombudsman. Today when the Ministry is not publishing fake figures of Uganda’s electricity demand( figures privately questioned by the World Bank but never acted on) , the Ugandan Energy Minister Daudi Migereko is fighting public relations wars. Like the “vanishing” of Uganda’s strategic fuel reserves, the truth is that the Ministry is not in a condition that can serve Ugandans best and requires a complete overhaul. But first public information about its incapacity should educate that change, something we will try to do here in the coming days. One fact, special interests have overwhelmed the Ministry are glaring example being its outright failure to prevent the faulty construction of the Owen Falls Extension project, a project which has proved according to one notable hydrologist, the greatest threat to Lake Victoria, the world’s second largest fresh water body. That failure is accompanied by allegations of corruption including one by a senior Minister that Migereko’s successor took a bribe of US$ 6 million. Also unresolved is whether the damn extension project has benefited largely downstream country, Egypt, which despite having a permanent presence in Uganda dedicated to the Nile remained silent. This reporter was told that Egypt’s water projects have significantly been boosted by the draining of the lake courtesy of the dam project. Uganda has never conducted an investigation into the matter to determine who was complicit in the project failure. In light of the current crisis- it is worth revisiting what happened.
IT took only a couple of days to paralyse Uganda. Within 48 hours, the violence in Kenya had led to severe fuel shortages all over the country, pushing up oil prices, doubling bus fares, raising food prices and seriously affecting business and public life. Dealers were greatly taking advantage of the crisis to hoard and ask exorbitant prices, up to four-fold in the case of petrol. Contrary to other countries, which have oil reserves that can last months or even years, Uganda’s reserves seem to be minimal, if existent at all. The country needs 1.2m litres of diesel per day, almost half of which is used for power generation, and 543,000 litres of petrol. ENERGY minister Daudi Migereko has declined to reveal how much fuel is in the reserves. There is something but we have declined to release the figures. We don’t want them to become a subject of debate, he told Saturday Vision. Earlier, in March 2007, energy state minister Simon D Ujanga had told Parliament the reserves were dry. The reserves have been used up, he said. It will be trickling in. At the moment we cannot talk about reserves because whatever comes in is being consumed. The question is whether anybody knows at any given time how much oil reserves the country has. In the mid 70s the Government started the construction of four fuel depots, in Jinja, Nakasongola, Gulu and Kasese. However, of the four depots that were in plan, only one, in Jinja, with a total capacity of 30 million litres, was actually completed. The Government loans out fuel from these reserves to private oil companies whenever there is a disruption in the supply chain and the oil companies reimburse the same amount in fuel stocks. The depot is also used to assist new oil companies stabilise in the liberalised competitive oil industry. But according to a report by the Auditor General, the oil companies were not reimbursing as much and as fast as they should. By August 31, 2006, the companies owed the Government oil products amounting to sh6.8 billion. It was noted that some loans had taken so long to be settled. The recoverability is increasingly becoming difficult, said the Auditor General’s report. Also, it pointed out that the oil companies had not paid the required penalties of 22% on any outstanding balance after 30 days, which had accumulated to sh5.4 billion by August 31, 2006.
There is another reason why it is difficult to tell the level of Uganda’s reserves. Information collected from employees at Jinja Storage Tanks revealed that the pumps and meters used were installed in 1978 and have not been replaced since then, said the Auditor General’s report.
It was noted from the records that, although the meters should be serviced regularly, the ones in Jinja take years to be serviced. Faulty meters can give misleading readings which can lead to fraud. The receipt meters are also problematic, according to the Auditor General. It has been noted that when products are being returned or delivered, the ministry uses the dip sticks (measuring tools) of the trucks that deliver the products, the report said. It is possible to be given a faulty dip stick which reads more stocks than what has been actually delivered. It recommended that inlet meters be introduced to help check the readings provided by drivers. In addition, the report noted that there was inadequate staffing at the Jinja reserves resulting into late billings, late reconciliations and postings into the ledgers. This is risky, as at any given time, it is impossible to tell actual stocks held. As a result of lack of staff, it added, the flow of information between the Jinja Storage Tanks and the ministry headquarters was very poor. Administration at the ministry is sometimes not up to date with what is going on at the Jinja Storage Tanks. Energy minister Migereko admits that there were problems with oil companies not reimbursing. There was a problem some time back. We have tried to recover that fuel. Only one company has not reimbursed. The matter is in court, he said. He explained that the Jinja storage tanks were built when the demand for fuel was not as high as today, and that the other depots were not completed due to financial constraints. He also pointed out that the breakdown at the refinery in Mombasa and at the oil pipeline had affected Uganda’s capacity to store enough reserves. However, with the Eldoret-Kampala pipeline project starting in May this year, Uganda’s fuel problem should be addressed, Migereko announced. As part of the pipeline project, we are expanding the Jinja reserves, build storage facilities in Kampala, Mbarara and Kasese. By the time we produce our own oil, in 2009, we can take advantage of those facilities to distribute fuel to various parts of the country.” He acknowledged that the Kenya crisis had pre-empted their plans. “The pressure has come up much earlier than our own plans.” As oil trucks are starting to arrive in the country, there might be some temporary relief from the biting fuel prices. But it will take another two years before Uganda can escape its precarious dependence on its neighbour.

Uganda Public Vs Yoweri Museveni
In one of the missives in October 2003, President Museveni said he had never violated the Constitution of Uganda. Renowned Lawyer Erias Lukwago disagreed and took him to the court of public opinion citing 26 points as published in the Sunday Monitor January 4, 2004:
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni S/O Kaguta Amos, you are quoted as having stated in your missive published in The Monitor and new vision News papers of October 31, 2003, that: “Neither the NRM nor myself have ever violated an iota of this Constitution in any way, even where the provisions were inconvenient from the point of view of implementing our vision. It is against that backdrop that I have decided to file this indictment in the Supreme Court of Public Opinion for the determination. The verdict might not come out today or tomorrow but surely it will be given at an appropriate time.
1) Count 1: Establishment of the Post of the Prime Minister contrary to Article 111 of the constitution.
2) Count 2: Transforming the Movement Political System into a Political organization/Party contrary to Article 70 of the Constitution.
3) Count 3: Establishment of a One – Party State contrary to Article 72, 73, 75 and 270 of the constitution.
4) Count 4: Advocating for brief case Political Parties contrary to Article 71 of the Constitution.
5) Count 5: Claim for authority to grant freedoms and liberties contrary to Article 20(1) of the Constitution.
6) Count 6: Purporting to determine who should govern the country contrary to Article 1 (4) of the Constitution.
7) Count 7: Purporting to pronounce himself Life President contrary to Article 1 and 105 of the Constitution.
8) Count 8: Forceful conscription of all Ugandans into NRM contrary to Article 29(1)(f) and Article 71(f) of the Constitution.
9) Count 9: Failure to establish a National Army contrary to Article 208(1) and 210 (a), (b) and (c) of the Constitution.
10) Count 10: Arbitrary deployment of troops outside Uganda contrary to Article 210(d) of the Constitution.
11) Count 11: Failure to defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity, life and property of Ugandans contrary to Article 209 and 212 of the constitution.

12) Count 12: Arming the Arrow Boys and Local Defense Units contrary to Article 208 (4) and 22 of the Constitution.
13) Count 13: Establishment of illegal Intelligence and other Militia Organisations contrary to Article 218 of the Constitution.
14) Count 14: Participation in partisan politics contrary to Article 208 (2) of the Constitution.
15) Count 15: Alienation of Ugandan citizens contrary to Article 9 and 29 (2) of the Constitution.
16) Count 16: Violation of the freedoms of speech, expression, conscience and the media contrary to Article 29 of the Constitution.
17) Count 17: Arbitrary arrests contrary to Article 23 (3) & (5) of the Constitution.
18) Count 18: detention in ungazetted places/safe houses contrary to Article 23 (20 of the Constitution.
19) Count 19: Undermining the Independence of the judiciary contrary to article 128 of the constitution.
20) Count 20: Extra – Judicial killings contrary to Article 22 (1) of the Constitution.

21) Count 21: Failure to conduct free and fair elections contrary to Article 1 (4) and 61 of the Constitution.
22) Count 22: Enactment of the Referendum and other provisions Act No. 2 of 1999 without the required quorum contrary to Article 88 and 89 of the Constitution.
23) Count 23: Failure to arrest and prosecute Joseph Kony and other criminals contrary to the provisions of Article 120 (a) and (b), 212 (c) of the Constitution.
24) Count 24: Condoning corruption contrary to clause XXVI (iii) of the National Objectives and Directives Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution.
25) Count 25: Illegal withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund contrary to Article 154 of the Constitution.
26) Count 26: Failure to cultivate a culture of constitutionalism contrary to the entire Constitution.
Drawn by Erias Lukwago
4th day of January 2004

Though President Museveni is to contest the forth coming Presidential Elections, according to me and most Ugandans, had it not been that he used numbers, Parliament would not have endorsed the Open Presidential Term, and given opportunity to take the day in the forthcoming elections, our first mission would to re- instate the maximum two terms for any President however good he may be. Other reasons why he should go though should have long gone are:
If the opposition unites to see candidate Yoweri Museveni go after the forthcoming General Election, no Museveni gods may fail his exist. The reasons why they want him to go are among others:-
Issues specific to regions:

1) The Odoki Commission reported that over 60% Ugandans who responded to the type of Governance wanted a Federo system. President Museveni’s leadership instead opted for decentralisation which has not delivered what people want. Any pleas to have federo as a local government arrangement are simply ignored and alternative systems proposed.

2) Pressure on Buganda – In the past, there was near to balanced regional growth. Since the NRM got power, pressure has mounted on Buganda and Baganda have been made insecure as land is not readily available and very expensive. Yet those from other areas are dictating terms for Baganda in an attempt to safeguard investments made in Buganda.

Kabaka Mutebi on two occasions has been barred by the central government to visit his people!
3) The refusal by the central government on two occasions to allow Kabaka Mutebi to visit areas within Buganda; an unfortunate development which is no credit to the central government.
It was illegal blocking Kabaka to travel within Uganda
ARTICLE 29: Protection of freedom of conscience, expression, movement, religion, assembly and association.(1) Every person shall have the right to —
(a) Freedom of speech and expression which shall include freedom of the press and other media;
(b) Freedom of thought, conscience and belief which shall include academic freedom in institutions of learning;
(c) freedom to practise any religion and manifest such practice which shall include the right to belong to and participate in the practices of any religious body or organisation in a manner consistent with this Constitution; (d) freedom to assemble and to demonstrate together with others peacefully and unarmed and to petition; and
(e) Freedom of association which shall include the freedom to form and join associations or unions, including trade unions and political and other civic organisations.
(2) Every Ugandan shall have the right— (a) to move freely throughout Uganda and to reside and settle in any part of Uganda; (b) to enter, leave and return to, Uganda; and (c) to a passport or other travel document.
OK! How do we reconcile these provisions, specifically, Article 29 (2)(a) with the recent blocking of Kabaka Ronald Mutebi’s visit to Kayunga?

September 11, 2010 will be a complete 12 months since the NRM Government closed CBS FM which was earning about shs 1bn a month and employing over 100 staff!
4) The closure of CBS FM for a period over 8months now (in June 2010) as riots took off when people responded to the central governments’ action of blocking Kabaka Mutebi’s visit to Kayunga.

5) The reluctance by the central government to pay rent dues in time for Buganda properties rented; which is seen as a deliberate effort to cripple Buganda Government.

General issues/observations:
1) President Museveni came on a ticket of 4 years, however, after implementation of extension schemes, he still wants another 5 years after the expiry of 25 years at head of Government!;
2) Through President Museveni’s influence as the major beneficiary, the 1995 Constitution of Uganda was revised and the 2 term limits were removed against the background that the reason for a maximum of 2 terms was against the bad history the country had gone through, and this amendment is opportunity to see the bad history become a reality again.
"Four opposition parties: Forum for Democratic Change, Uganda Peoples’ Congress, Jeema and Conservative Party under the Inter Party Coalition (IPC) are planning to table before Parliament new constitutional amendments on Tuesday May 11.

Among the amendments is a proposal to have two presidential term limits restored; disbanding of the current Electoral Commission and the removal of the army from Parliament.
While addressing the media at Parliament, the acting Leader of Opposition, Kassiano Wadri said that the opposition agrees that the amendments are important especially as the 2011 general elections approach.
Wadri says if the ruling National Resistance Movement government throws out their proposals in Parliament, they will not hesitate to take the matter to the Constitutional court for interpretation."
3) Governments’ intention to pay a salary to Chairmen of LC1 is yet another ‘innovation’ to impoverish the tax payer the more. LC1 chairpersons are supposed to do voluntary work, those who cannot afford should opt out;
4) President Museveni dropped the Late Dr. Samson Kisekka from Government in a very humiliating way;

5) The budget speech of 2003/04 under Article 43: Public Administration it is stated that, “Expenditure on public Administration has continued to be a burden on the budget, crowding out spending on other critical priority programmes. Currently, expenditure on the sector is second only to Education, with an allocation of 17.7% of the Government budget. There is need to reduce the cost of Public administration, so that resources can be freed for use in other productive areas such as infrastructure and strategic exports. In March this year, H.E. the President approved most of the recommendations in a study that he commissioned on the subject, in march 2002.” Unfortunately, looks like this position has since not been taken seriously by Government as public expenditure is simply on the increase and more so, politically motivated;
6) The Auditor General reported that the Consolidated Fund had been overdrawn in billions; this in one instance as at 30.6/1999; the balance was shs 776,236,548,778. The Consolidated fund should however have a credit balance;
7) What are the names of the UPDF soldiers who died in DRC? “Thousands of Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) soldiers have died in the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), rebel leader Prof. Ernst Wamba dia Wamba has said. In an open letter to the people of Uganda,” a copy of which the Monitor saw, Wamba, the President of the Uganda backed RCD – Kisangani rebel group said that since 1996, “Uganda has lost thousands of soldiers so that the Congo may come out of the current crisis.”
8) Government has looked on as people have encroached on forest cover which development has serious implications for the climate of the country and given that it is an agriculturally based country;

Damian Akankwasa
"THE IGG has recommended the immediate sacking and prosecution of the suspended National Forestry Authority (NFA) boss, Damian Akankwasa, over the sh900m saga. The IGG made the recommendation in a report on claims by Akankwasa that his wife, Juliet Katusiime, stole the sh900m he kept in their bedroom last year.
The IGG accused Akankwasa of abuse of office, failure to declare all his wealth and causing a financial loss of over sh2.8b to NFA through suspicious deals. The IGG suspects the sh900m could have come from such deals.
In a May 7 letter to the water and environment minister, Maria Mutagamba, the IGG said Akankwasa made arbitrary decisions disregarding formal procedures."
9) The new law, “Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions’ Act” is alleged to have the intention of getting back the President as the appointing authority for Vice – Chancellors of public universities;
10) Government has not done much to see that Uganda benefits in International trade in genetic resources, often referred to as bio-trade which involves high economic stakes today. The sale of drugs based on traditional medicines alone amounts to over US $ 32bn (IK Notes – A World Bank publication);
11) Talk about corruption. Even AIDS patients have not been spared! The portfolio of Global Fund Grants to Uganda was worth US $ 367m including two grants to combat HIV/AIDS; two grants targeting Malaria and one of Tuberculosis. By the time of the suspension on August 24, 2005 only US$ 45m had been released of which it is believed about US $ 280,000 was fraudulently siphoned off!
12) While the population has kept on growing, the number of criminals has equally kept increasing, but Government has not had plans implemented to increase the number of prisons, later on have worthy conditions for living by inmates;
13) Though the President boosts of an army which is professional, it is not clear why this army has failed to capture Joseph Kony who is at the core of terrorist activities in Uganda and now outside Uganda’s borders.
"“Arrest warrants issued in 2005 by the ICC for Joseph Kony and four Lord’s Resistance Army commanders remained in force, but were not implemented by Uganda and other regional governments,” Amnesty International stated in its latest report.
Kony’s commanders, who were indicted with him for atrocities during the northern Ugandan war, include Dominic Ongwen, Okot Odhiambo, Vincent Otti and Raska Lukwiya. Lukwiya has since been confirmed dead and Otti is also said to be dead.
Uganda is a member of the ICC and is, therefore, obliged to arrest and surrender anyone named in an arrest warrant."
14) Though NRM tries to show that it is a civilian Government, the truth is that it is based on military; hence remains a threat to potential alternative President material;
15) The 1987 currency exchange took away part of people’s earnings the 30% and the currency since then has kept on depreciating such that many things cost an average of 20 times the cost at exchange; yet earnings have not been boosted accordingly;
16) The Bush men were appointed into positions to manage public enterprises, and you can be sure that the wish to pay them selves for the contribution in the 5 year war of liberation and lack of managerial skills contributed to poor performance of most of them such that on privatization, the tax payer had still to shoulder a big burden yet even many of the beneficiaries were not able to see these enterprises run and as to whether all have paid up is not clear a position.
17) The liberators contributed to a huge non – performing loan portfolio in the then Uganda Commercial bank and one of the options was to sale off the bank. The way the sale was handled disturbed many Ugandans who would have preferred to have shares in the bank and see it remain as the people’s own bank;
18) The class normally called “the nurtured middle class” a creation by President Museveni’s Government is a cause of concern by many who see a favoured few benefit from tax resources and donor funds to have their undertakings move on;
19) The killing of the Cooperative bank and the Cooperative Movement. The liberation war saw many vehicles of the Cooperatives used by the liberators, this slowly but steadily contributed to the weakening of the cooperatives. The borrowing of money from the Cooperative bank to help finance part of the liberation efforts at least shs 14bn is believed to have been got from the bank by NRA and was not paid back;
20) Poor and ill advised policies have abetted poverty in the country. What matters is policies to see the Government remain in leadership of the country at the expense of people’s welfare;
21) The unemployment levels of the youth are simply a scandal. While many in higher institutions are helped by relatives outside the country who have gone for greener pastures and a number are having bursaries by institutions, the Government has failed to be focused to see enhancement of employment opportunities for the youth. This is also against the background where vocational training is anon starter in schools such that students leave without employable skills for own job creation.
22) “Legalized corruption” is simply unacceptable. It is the order of the day in Uganda! Where Government has failed to pay a living wage, people have resorted to use corruption to make ends meet;
"President Museveni has said that while corruption leads to wastage of public resources, it also has a good side to it.
Speaking in Masindi last week, Museveni virtually defended corrupt civil servants and politicians, saying they also greatly contribute to national development by investing in the country money they swindle from public coffers. By thus investing, the President said, the thieves build the national economy.
The President was presiding over the passing out of 238 Police officers who had completed a three-month operational commanders’ course at the Kabalye-based Police Training School. The graduands included 46 officers from Sudan.
The opposition and donors have often criticised the Museveni government over what they see as lack of political will to fight corruption. The donors in particular have cited the misuse of money meant for the 2007 Commonwealth summit (CHOGM), and the Global Fund, among others, to make their point."

MPs probing the Commonwealth summit expenditure have unearthed numerous irregularities in the awarding of the sh2.4b media and publicity contract.
The contract was awarded to Saatchi and Saatchi and Terp Group during the preparations to host the summit in 2007.
MPs on the public accounts committee yesterday discovered that out of the 17 companies that submitted their bids, 16 were disqualified because they allegedly had no trading licence, bid submission, certificate of registration, VAT registration or income tax clearance.
They also discovered that although the evaluation committee had recommended the contract price of sh1.8b, the contract committee revised the cost to sh2.4b after adding one item.
The MPs also discovered that the director of information at the time, Kagole Kivumbi, was the head of the user department, the chairman of the evaluation committee and the chairman of the negotiation committee.
The MPs asked Kivumbi and the principal procurement officer, Margaret Meke, to explain how established companies such as Vision Group, Picfare, Sameer and the Uganda Publishing and Printing Corporation, could be disqualified on grounds of lack of trading licences.
23) It is sad for the President to keep looking down on donors who are actually helping to fund not only over 30% of the national budget but are also involved in a number of activities as NGOs in boosting the welfare of Ugandans;
"Museveni says Africa needs help in areas of energy, roads and railway construction as well as in the education and health sectors but not political help. He says he does not need any foreign advice in organizing elections, an area that the development partners have concentrated on in the recent past, with calls for major electoral reforms. The President insists that he does not lecture on issues on which he considers himself an expert, urging them to divert their help to where it is needed."
"It is not authenticated but a report purported to be by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the American Congress on the 2011 Uganda elections could have serious implications.
The report is the first in a series that the US Congress, in an unprecedented move, asked Clinton to write after every 30 days regarding the government of Uganda actions on the 2011 elections.
Congress’s directive was interpreted as a sign that the US is taking a hawkish view of the government of Uganda behavior and could take punitive action.
There is speculation that if the does not carry out reforms to ensure free and fair elections, the US may cut its aid to Uganda and also influence other development partners to follow suit.
The intention appears to be to nudge President Yoweri Museveni, who has been in power for 24 years and has won election mired by fraud and violence, to hold a clean election in 2011.
The MP for Busongora South, Christopher Kibanzanga, told a journalist: “The donors have the key; they pushed President Museveni to accept multi-partyism and when they called him over the Anti-homosexuality Bill, the President immediately changed his position. If the donors tell him to accept the electoral reforms we are pushing for as the opposition, there is no doubt he will accept them within days.”
24) The handling of the corrupt with kid gloves is simply unacceptable. By now there would be a collection account where the big thieves would deposit the loot recovered from them; what may have been done so far is a drop in the ocean given what has been siphoned off;

25) The continued big and would be uncalled for expenditure on the national army (UPDF), ever since 1986,the army has taken a big share of the national resources that would have helped development efforts elsewhere; this is so because of interventions at times in other people’s wars;
26) The President has continued to use rewards to favour his continued tenure in office, and this is wrong more so when tax resources are used;

27) For a poor country like Uganda, keeping the lifestyle of President Museveni is a big liability to the country’s resources. When you see the security detail when he is going out of the country and when he is coming back; talk about the cost of maintaining his motorcade, this is all a big burden to the tax payer;

President Museveni's shs 82bn jet
The President is too expensive for a begging economy like Uganda
President Museveni’s special jet that has cost taxpayers Shs88.2 billion .

The Gulfstream V was flown into the country last month.
The Weekly Observer has obtained a photograph of the new jet No. N908GA 52008 taken on January 14, this year when it was returning from a pre delivery flight at Long Beach Airport in California.
After that flight, the new jet was released to the buyer who is the Ugandan Government.
The President’s Press Secretary, Joseph Tamale Mirundi, confirmed the arrival of the jet in a telephone interview Tuesday morning.
The jet was purchased late last year to replace a Gulfstream IV which was bought at Shs60 billion in 2000. The State House Comptroller, Richard Muhinda, informed a parliamentary committee on presidential affairs that the old jet would be sold at about Shs40 billion.
The planned purchase of another jet became public information in December 2007 when Muhinda and the President’s chief pilot, Maj. Gen. Ali Kiiza, briefed the presidential affairs committee on the state of the old presidential jet.
Opposition MPs protested against spending such as huge amount of money while the old plane was still functioning properly. But the President’s team argued that the new plane would consume less fuel and would be cheaper to repair.
When Museveni came to power in 1986, he often spoke out against African leaders of poor countries who like to ride in presidential jets yet their citizens are infested with jiggers.

28) While the 5 year bush war had much to do with getting UPC Government out of power due to a stolen victory, many in NRM circles have been convicted in courts of law for the role played in electoral malpractices which clearly shows that Government has no good will to see this problem sorted out completely more so when it’s NRM candidate favoured;

29) The continued expansion of the unproductive administrative infrastructure frustrates any would be development efforts. A number of Presidential advisers are supposed to be retired civil servants on whom Government is spending billions that you be saved for more worthy national development projects;
Development partners share the concern of Uganda’s civil society and media about the increasingly high levels of spending on government’s administrative structures. These are resources that could otherwise be invested in infrastructure, basic education, health care, and clean drinking water for the poor.
The sharp increase in the number of districts in recent years (and continued plans for new ones)diverts both human and financial resources from existing districts and undermines the capacity of local governments to effectively deliver services. Starting at 36 districts, 80 districts last year, and now 91 districts: who can make a serious case that this expansion of the number of districts is good for service delivery?” the World Bank Uganda Country Manager Kundhavi Kadiresan said at the National Budget Workshop by the Ministry of Finance, February 25-26, 2010.
Despite the donors’ rage about Uganda’s high public expenditure, President Museveni has created 14 new districts, bringing the number to 111. The number is projected to reach 120 by 2011.
In a 2009 paper, titled “The cost of public administration,” ACODE, a local think tank, says the “oversize cabinet and the growing bureaucracy built around the Office of the President” and the growing number of districts are the main threat to Uganda’s governance, efforts to eradicate poverty, and the achievement economic transformation."
"The argument that the creation of new districts is a matter for government policy and decision-makers is not contested. However, when the government comes out to say that the reasons they are creating new districts is because ‘the people’ want it, it becomes another matter. According to the state minister for local government, Ahabwe Pereza, it is government policy that every district should have a hospital. He also points out that the President, in his state of the nation address, said every district should have a road unit. Pereza also says Makerere University entry district slots are one of the factors that are fuelling the urge for districts. “When you are in Kabale, a district hospital is in Kabale, a person in Kanungu will therefore look at the policy and say but if we had our own district, it would be mandatory that we would have our own hospital,” he told The Independent. “You get the arguments,” he continued, “they are real because these have to do with access to national resources in terms of facilitations.”
30) President Museveni’s Government is witnessing a terrible scandal as cheating in national examinations is real. The private sector competition has led to the growth of cheating to see the schools that have bigger and better passes retain and or get big numbers, hence generate good income and profits.
Refer to The New Vision, Wednesday, January 20, 2010: Over 1,400 results cancelled, "A total of 1,449 pupils will not receive their PLE results following their cancellation by Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB). Seventy three schools had their results cancelled due to malpractices such as impersonation, external assistance, substitution, collusion and smuggling unauthorised material into the examination room. Commenting on the issue, Education Minister Geraldine Namirembe Bitamazire said: "Examination malpractice must be eliminated at whatever cost. We cannot let it continue. In 2001; 12,000 pupils had their results cancelled. The vice is coming back."

31) The health sub – sector is simply pathetic, hence the boom of private practitioners. While the population has continued to grow, Government is ill prepared to help the poor get appropriate medical services. The poor incentives to the medical staff don’t make the situation better;
32) While free primary and secondary education would have been a welcome innovation, the intervention by the President to see that parents don’t pay may be conceived to mean that he actually wants the children of the poor to go no where. It is true that in some instances even the about 1,200/- each primary child is expected to get a term is in some cases not delivered, yet the schools have to go on. It is true that a number of well placed people today went through Government schools and the instruction was good;

33) There is no executive who is not caught up by diminishing returns, whatever President Museveni may wish to do for country, the truth is that diminishing returns caught up with him long ago, the best is to retire;
34) The way President Museveni’s Government unfairly treats some of the Presidential opponents is not a vote winner for the President; for him, it is a right to contest!
35) The way the gap between the rich and the poor has widened where many of the beneficiaries of the status quo are well connected to the NRM is bad for the President;

36) The way donor funds are handled according to reports show corruption at play which leads to poor workmanship and less benefit to the Uganda population;
37) The Presidents’ pledges are a big burden to the tax payer;
38) Tax rates lack a human face; among these Vat at 17% is very high; the tax on fuel makes all transactions with fuel consumption abnormally expensive to the final consumer and this leads to local industries being uncompetitive;
39) During President Museveni’s time, the burning of schools has almost become a design more so with focus on dormitories; and in most instances when the children/students are out. Government has not come out clearly over these criminals who seem to be good schemers, yet the loss by the parents, students/children and affected schools is great;
40) The burning of markets is equally affecting or has affected traders of different capacities including the market vendors, the dealers in timber products to mention a few. It is not clear whether the criminals are after impoverishing the business persons more so when majority of them have bank loans. In this case, Government has not come out clearly to see a stop to this madness and prosecution of culprits;
41) It is common experience that poisoned alcoholic drinks are the order of the day. Government seem to take this lightly and putting measures on some of the drinks when it is clear that this is a direct result of competition in the industry where some players are after getting their competitors out of business. We risk to see a situation where this may go to any other consumer goods;
42) Government promised Export Promotion Zones (EPZ), but these are yet to be seen more so the one at Entebbe Airport or there about;
43) Government growth figures are in dispute. Those given to the donors seem focused on painting a good picture that things are fine;
44) The pensioners are a yawning lot. People age on but pension still remains a problem. You only need to meet a disgusted pensioner to appreciate the situation;
45) The revenue collections are reported to be increasing. The problem is that the money is mostly put to consumption. Praises should be made when this money is made to generate more wealth hence help the high unemployment as well as the poverty countrywide;
46) Electric power remains erratic in a number of places. If you are relying on power by Umeme, it no news to see power on and off and at times a number of times a day; yet it is not unusual to have it off without notice;
47) The promoting of SACCOs that are politically motivated cannot be compared to the cooperatives that were designed against specific production potential/service delivery where they were established;
48) While agriculture remains the mainstay of the Uganda economy, government has failed to see the sector attract agricultural producers to harness it. Many are instead living land and looking for opportunities elsewhere which are paying;
49) Government in most instances has not followed the budgets as planned and read, hence making budgets is like a routine while following them to implementation within their timeframe is not that emphasized;
50) As President Museveni remains in power, it is clear that many in the population are having near to one meal a day or just one meal. This is because of hardships that policy has created during his tenure; and for balanced diet, it is a luxury as many cannot afford it;
51) It surprises how the matters that would be solved by established institutions are referred to the President for solution;
52) President Museveni has presided over the collapse of Uganda Railways which used to help in cheap transportation of goods from various regions of the country;
53) Government has shown much concern about the bus transportation. The problem partly is due to a relation believed to be enjoyed between Government and UTODA;
54) A number of people have lost value and lives where Government would have done appropriate compensation; in a number of developments this has not been the case;
55) It is unfortunate that after suspending the Graduated tax in 2005/06 Financial year and compensating it with increased tax on consumer goods including sugar; Government went institute Local Service Tax as a substitute yet when it had already levied a tax on consumer goods to bridge the gap;
56) Before NRM Government got to office, there was no tax on Government (Government paying tax), it is not clear why this tax is in place as it is increased burden to Government;
57) Government has not been concerned about the shs 2,000 charged by Commercial banks on school fees deposits. It looks like it is a tax of sorts. It is abnormal for the one depositing to be charged what is supposed to be met by the account holder;
58) Government policies are responsible for the continued boom of used clothes in a country that can grow enough cotton for own clothes and export;

59) The AGOA initiative has simply been a lost opportunity for no good reason not forgetting the input into the Bugolobi plant and its management;
60) Yes, President Museveni, like anybody who stays long in a place, many people long to see a replacement that may do things differently, this category of voters wants to see change and are hopeful that change will a reality this time.
61) Government is very disaster unprepared. This starts with the budget which is small given the expected disasters. Government has not done enough to enforce building standards and hence a number of buildings can be a disaster anytime. Fire fighting equipment are just expected and hopefully they will be functional; but again in a number of places due to no planning, if fire breaks out it may be impossible to extinguish it.
Kampala (Uganda) — The death toll from the landslides that struck Bududa district on Tuesday leaving hundreds of people dead or missing brings to question the effectiveness of country's early warning and response systems. As the country mourns, this tragedy should be a lesson especially to the political leadership. They must re-evaluate the country's capacity to respond to disasters such as landslides and floods that are likely to be part of us for a foreseeable period as the effects of climate change take their toll.
The death toll from the Bududa disaster would have been avoided if the Government and district officials had implemented 1997 plan to resettle the Mt. Elgon forest reserve encroachers.
William Kituuka

Government to pay LC1 salaries - Source:
By Benon Herbert Oluka
Posted Thursday, June 3 2010
The government will start paying salaries and allowances to local councillor leaders, including those at village and parish level, this July. The decision was communicated to local government officials by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government, Mr John Kashaka Muhanguzi, in a letter dated May 13.
Source of money
“In appreciation of the contribution of the local government leadership to the country’s service delivery and governance, government has decided and approved that salaries and gratuity for local government political leaders be paid from the Consolidated Fund,” wrote Mr Muhanguzi. He wrote that the gratuity payable to eligible local government leaders shall be 30 per cent of their salaries with effect from July 2010.
Officials to receive gratuity payments are district chairpersons and their deputies, Speakers, members of a District Executive Committee, chairperson of a District Service Commission, Mayors of Municipal Councils and their deputies, Chairpersons of Divisions and LC III Chairpersons. The government started paying these officials salaries three years ago.
According to a Local Government Ministry circular dated May 27, the government will spend Shs4.03 billion on gratuity in the 2010/11 financial year.
Mr Muhanguzi added that effective from July 2010, a district deputy speaker will be paid a monthly allowance of Shs200,000 and district councillors will be paid a monthly allowance of Shs100,000. These allowances will cost the government a total of Shs2.8 billion.
The government will also start giving an annual ex-gratia payment of Shs120,000 to chairpersons of each village, parish/ward. Ex-gratia payments, which refer to compensation voluntarily made by the government, will be paid at the end of a financial year, according to Mr Muhanguzi.
The head of Human Resource Management in the ministry, Mr Mr Jolly Joe Ssonko, told Daily Monitor that the payments will be made in accordance with the Local Government Act. “One of the reasons which made us reach that decision is that they are doing a lot of work for government. But that money is not even equivalent to what they do. It is just a token of appreciation,” argued Mr Ssonko.
He said while the decision to pay the salaries and allowances is being implemented ahead of the 2011 presidential election, “One cannot say it is politically motivated because it is provided for under an Act of Parliament and the structure under which they serve is enshrined in the Constitution.”

William Kituuka Kiwanuka's CV

Eight pick nomination forms for presidency Source: New Vision 10/9/2010
Thursday, 9th September, 2010
By Barbara Among
EIGHT presidential aspirants have picked nominations forms to run in next year’s elections. The main political players are yet to do so.
The politicians who collected papers are Emmanuel Tumusiime, the leader of the Forum for Integrity in Leadership, Sadrak Ogemba of the Peoples United Movement and Sulaiman Masaba of the Uganda People’s Party.
The others are Bomboka Isiko of the Farmers Party of Uganda, Moses Kakama of the National Youth Revolutionary Organisation, Erias Wamala of National Peasant Party and Samuel Lubega of a DP splinter faction.
Independent candidate Charles Opio also picked the forms ahead of the deadline of October 25. The nomination dates for presidential and parliamentary candidates are October 25 and 26.
The presidential aspirants will be nominated at the commission’s head offices in Kampala and parliamentary candidates at the district headquarters. District chairpersons and councillors will be nominated on November 4 and 5 at the district and county headquarters, respectively.
The ruling NRM party is expected to elect Yoweri Museveni this weekend as its candidate. FDC party leader Kizza Besigye was elected to stand on the Inter-Party Cooperation ticket as a joint candidate. Norbert Mao will represent DP. Olara Otunnu of UPC is also expected to contest.
According to the Electoral Commission, the candidates must pay nomination fees of sh8m, collect 100 signatures from at least 75 districts and hand in three passport size photos and certified copies of academic papers.
Unlike in the past where the candidates were required to carry cash and copies of the signatures to be verified on the day of the nominations, the commission this time requires the aspirants to only carry receipts as proof of payment and submit a list of the 100 supporters in advance for verification.
Nominated presidential aspirants will receive facilitation of sh20m, a car and Police escorts. But where a candidate withdraws from the race within 30 days after nomination, such a candidate shall refund the money.
Candidates may not use long convoys of vehicles during nominations, except just two vehicles, each of which shall bear Police stickers and carry no more than 10 people.
To be eligible for the presidential and parliamentary seats, a candidate must be a citizen of Uganda, a registered voter and have at least an A’level certificate or its equivalent. A person cannot stand for president if he is of unsound mind, holds an office that handles elections, or is a cultural leader, or is bankrupt.
Anyone under a death sentence or a sentence of imprisonment exceeding nine months without an option of a fine cannot also stand. Candidates may be disqualified if they have within seven years immediately preceding the election, been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or convicted over election crimes.
Parliamentary candidates are to pick nomination forms from their districts of origin and to be nominated they will be required to produce signatures of 10 supporters, who are registered voters in the constituency, pay nomination fees of sh200,000 and hand in certified copies of their academic papers.
Civil servants wishing to join the race will be required to submit copies of their resignation letter as well, which should have been tendered in 90 days before nomination data.

Critical Information on Uganda

Bank of Uganda

Ministry of Labour & Social Development

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

National Environment Management Authority

Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry

Uganda Communications Commission

Inspectorate of Government

Electoral Commission

Ministry of Education

Makerere University

Parliament of Uganda

Uganda Investment Authority

Uganda Human Rights Commission

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Judiciary of Uganda

Web Addresses of Major Newspapers in Uganda

The Monitor

Bukedde ku Ssande

The New Vision

Sunday Vision

Uganda Vidoes
crafts 11.JPG

19"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23In hell,[a] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.' 25"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.' 27"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, 28for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' 29"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' 30" 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' 31"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "

[13] Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." [14] Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?" [15] Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." [16] And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. [17] He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.' [18] "Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. [19] And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." ‘[20] "But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' [21] "This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."
Greed has been an ongoing theme in Jesus' training of his disciples. Sometimes it is implied, other times it is out in the open:
• Calling Levi the Tax Collector (5:27-32)
• Parable of the Sower, about thorns of riches that choke spiritual life. (8:14)
• Pharisees who inside are full of greed (11:39)
• Giving a party in order to be reciprocated by one's "rich friends." (14:12)
• The Prodigal Son who squanders his wealth on wild living. (15:13)
• The Parable of the unjust servant.(16:1-12)
• We cannot serve God and mammon. (16:13)
• Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. (16:19-31)
• The Rich Young Ruler, and the saying about the impossibility of a rich person to enter the Kingdom. (18:18-27)
• Story of wealthy Zacchaeus' generosity. (19:1-10)
Uganda's Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage
Competitiveness has emerged as a critical element of development in every nation. A four year study of ten important trading nations by Michael Porter4 reveals that a nation’s competitiveness depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and upgrade. The ability to produce a high and rising standard of living for its citizens depends on the productivity with which a nation’s human resources, capital and physical assets are deployed.
Uganda has been shown to have a favourable policy environment but a low overall
competitiveness ranking. The Africa Competitiveness Report (1998) ranked Uganda below
the average at 14th out of 23 countries surveyed in terms of its overall environment for competitiveness. Countries with a higher competiveness than Uganda included Mauritius,Tunisia, Botswana, Namibia, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Ghana, Lesotho,Cote d’Ivore, Zambia and Kenya in that order while those performing much worse off included Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Malawi,Nigeria and Angola.
Several factors can explain the observed state of affairs in the country in terms of
competititveness. Apart from the prevailing conducive macroeconomic policy environment,political stability for over ten years has minimized the investment risks and built the confidence of both indigenous and foreign investors. Uganda has also made progress in reforming its overall trade policy environment. The numerous reforms implemented over the years,including the reduction of certain bans on imports and import tariffs and elimination of licensing requirements, have all contributed positively to the country’s competitiveness.
On the downward side, while reform of the trade policy environment has been significant in recent years, the practical implementation of reform has been slow and local businesses perceive continued obstacles. The limited availability of reasonably priced export credits and export insurance in the country is a major hindrance to export competitiveness. Lack of uniform standards and weak quality control supervision do affect Ugandan exports. And although the Ugandan financial sector has undergone considerable derugulation since 1993,structural problems remain and continue to affect business growth. These include the high cost of non-performing loans, high administrative costs, poor risk management and limited local investment opportunities. The increased private sector investment necessary to sustain the country’s growth will depend heavily on the ability of government to strengthen financial sector reforms and develop a broader-based capital market in which the public has confidence. Infrastructure, particularly electricity, roads, transport and industrial space is a key area that needs strengthening to increase the country’s competitiveness.

AGOA dollars elude Uganda

A worker stitching fabrics at the LAP Textiles factory in Bugolobi, near Kampala
By Stephen Ilungole
WHEN Kumar Dewapura, a renowned textile guru and the chairman of the Sri Lanka-based Tri-Star Group, landed in Uganda in 2002, two years after the US government unveiled the AGOA initiative, he was given the nation’s dream of exporting its first textile products to the mighty US market but most importantly, he was expected to help the country benefit from a fully-integrated textile industrial model. Dewapura traversed the country with the hope of buying into the existing textile factories of Lira Spinning Mill or the Mbale-based African Textile Mill, but no deal materialised. The Government then identified the giant hitherto idle former premises of the Coffee Marketing Board in Bugolobi, near Kampala. Dewapura was tasked to start off with the project. He and his local partner, Veluppilai Kananathan, registered TriStar Apparels as the company that would showcase Uganda’s existence on the international market. With the use of a few expatriates and the 2,000 “AGOA Girls” recruited across the country, the duo started off with the importation of raw materials from Sri Lanka, cutting and stitching them into garments for export to the US market with the “Made in Uganda” labels. In January 2003, President Yoweri Museveni flagged off the first ever garment exports from Uganda to the world’s most powerful market. Dewapura promised similar projects across the country using his largely successful model in Sri Lanka to eradicate poverty. That was the last the country heard of Dewapura, catapulting Kananathan into the main stage. The dream of “Made in Uganda” in the American market was remarkably achieved, but the biggest dream of a back-and-forth linkage integrated textile industry eluded the country. “Our biggest challenges were limited capital and logistical problems. But we tried our best under the circumstances,” Kananathan explained. Experts argue that part of the problem is that the publicity surrounding AGOA “created an unjustifiable expectation, given that we did not have the capacity to benefit from it.” Expectations remain high that when Ugandan textile mills start to produce quality fabric, the AGOA dollars will be real.
Enters LAP Mauritius
Mauritius is arguably the biggest beneficiary of AGOA on the African continent. It is the major reason they got the deal. However, more than 24 months after taking over from the most demonised TriStar, the country is yet to benefit from a fully-integrated textile industrial production. But LAP officials insist they are not to blame.
So who is at fault?
“Our plan from the beginning was to create employment. This has been achieved even without any orders. You cannot export unless you have orders. “That is the business model; get orders, source raw materials from the Far East and execute the order,” Sivaharan Rajasundaram, the LAP Textiles commercial manager, said of the 250 workforce still deriving their livelihood from the establishment. “We came in during the global recession. It put us a couple of months back. The promised incentives have also not come in time. We have also lost valuable commercial chances for the export market.” “Since Uganda is a landlocked country, we cannot compete with other garment producers like Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius and Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh, Thailand and China without incentives,” he argued. Rajasundaram also pointed out the importation of raw materials, which takes four months before the products are ready for export, as one of the biggest challenges. “No buyer can wait for four months before delivery,” he said. He added that the double cost of transportation, fuel price fluctuations and high power rates, were hitting them hard. Uganda charges 15 cents/KWH, while it is five cents in Bangladesh. “It makes buyers prefer dealing with firms from Bangladesh or Mauritius.” He said LAP is discussing a deal with Dollar General, the giant US retail chain. “But our FOB cost of $6 per piece makes us uncompetitive because Asian factories charge $4 per piece.” The company is currently producing denim jeans for the export market and requires 100 trained machine operators to increase the number of production lines.
Spinning and weaving
“Efforts have been made to start with the domestic market as we embark on the export platform. That’s why we have 250 workers. But as orders increase, the workforce will also rise,” Rajasundaram argued.
National Textile Policy
The new policy seeks to create a vibrant and strong textile and clothing industry with sustainable capacity utilisation and enhanced investment through the textile value chain. What about the spinning and weaving mill? “Efforts have been made to start with the domestic market as we embark on the export platform. That’s why we have 250 workers. But as orders increase, the workforce will also rise,” Rajasundaram argued.
And the National Textile Policy
The new policy seeks to create a vibrant and strong textile and clothing industry with sustainable capacity utilisation and enhanced investment through the textile value chain. Its specific objectives are the conversion of all lint cotton produced in Uganda into good quality yarn for the production of fabrics and creation of a dynamic apparel manufacturing sector to transform fabric clothing and garment accessories of acceptable cost and quality for domestic, regional and international markets. In the first two years, the policy projects to improve the production, marketing and competitiveness of the existing textile enterprises. It also intends to reduce the cost of doing business in Uganda by benchmarking against regional and international best practices and enhancing the upgrading and modernisation of equipment. “It (policy) is ready now. If implemented, it will help us establish an integrated textile complex but not a stand alone garment factory. We will do our best. Plans to build a spinning mill are underway,” Rajasundaram said.
The history of the former company (Tri-Star) has not helped in the taking off of LAP Textiles. “Its (Tri-Star's) negative reputation on the international markets has affected our orders. But we have improved tremendously. Former big importers have come back with inquiries. We expect to create up to 1,000 jobs before the end of the year when we open eight to 10 new lines.” “We have had discussions with US Aid in Nairobi about a new business relationships between LAP Textiles and American companies and they agreed to market our facility after their visit to our factory last year. In that meeting, we agreed to extend invitations to American buyers to visit our factory in Kampala,” Rajasundaram disclosed.
Shareholders frustrating the venture?
LAP Mauritius is the only partner that has fully paid up sh4b for its 60% stake in the company, while the other partners are yet to honour their obligations. The Government was supposed to provide land and the premises for its 35% equity. However, since the deal was sealed in October 2007, the Government only released the land for expansion in September 2008, while part of the land (1.8 hectares) has been chopped off from the main chunk. “Even the lease title for the remaining part has not come out. This is making us slow in committing our investments. No investor can inject money where he has no title. This is a major encumbrance. If we bring in our billions, how will we be protected?” noted Rajasundaram. “The President is focussed and wants this sector to success through the use of local cotton and to achieve value addition.” But Dr. Fred Muhumuza, the economic adviser at the finance ministry and the Government’s representative on the LAP Textiles board, explained that the release of the lease land title was not a binding factor “because we are partners.” “We are not doubtable partners because the deal is between two governments (Uganda and Libya). So this (title) issue can’t be a binding constraint to smooth running of the business,” Muhumuza argued. He said the Government was working to reduce the cost of doing business here. “That to us is the biggest issue. Definitely you can not earn big from textiles without spinning but we have passed the textile policy which caters for that.” He also pointed out the global market situation as another major problem. “LAP has 21 lines so even without haggling; there is definitely enough capacity to cater for the export market. But we have decided to first concentrate with the local market. We begun by getting stitching and cutting contracts from Phenix Logistics. For the record, the LAP facility is the most modern US certified in the region. Lots of other factories come to use it at a fee to access the US market. You can’t access the US market if your factory is not certified. The Americans need to know the quality of the factory where the products they are buying are coming from. Much as Tri-Star closed, it left us with a world class facility.” “LAP have been unfair to themselves by using the lease title issue. Since they took over the management of the facility, we (the Government) haven’t injected in any money but they have been operating. That’s credit to them. They have 250 workers who have no salary claims on the company. Wages, utility bills and NSSF remittances are all in order, which wasn’t the case with Tri-Star. They (LAP) need to appreciate their own efforts. They have potential orders coming in as the global economy normalises. We are getting better. We should reorganise ourselves and shake off the dust. We have come from far. As a board, we will sit and look at our entire business plan to see what we want to achieve. But we know there are market and operational constraints like buying raw materials from peer competitors and then supply the same market. We also deal in seasonal products. They have to be for winter or summer. But because we have poor operational conditions, by the time we get the products to the market, the season is over. For me what LAP is complaining about (lease title) is a simple issue because there is government commitment. It can be disposed off in a week. But for me just stopping government injections in the facility alone is a success. For them (LAP) to hold the fort and keep some level of activity on and save the institution from going to the mortuary is commendable. I am very optimistic as the global market turns round and our local market plan takes shape, we will be there. The US market is very competitive but the uniform market is growing. Schools, police, army, prisons and corporate demand will only double. So our plan for the textile sector is to take the advantage of the domestic market first until a time we tailor into various available options. Spinning is a good idea; we are pursuing it but you can’t have it without cotton. Most people are abandoning cotton growing yet spinning is a guzzler of cotton. We need to be prepared.